Suggest crossword puzzle
Title associated with the 11 starred answers
Similar Crossword Questions:
1987 market crash, and this puzzle's title, whose first word can precede each word in the starred answers
Informal chat, and based on the starts of the starred answers, this puzzle's title
Word that can bring the ends of the starred answers up to date
Disney et al., or, when added to the starts of the starred answers, a 1965 musical (listen!)
Puzzle title people hidden in eight long answers
Maurice Sendak kids' book, and the starts of starred answers
Where this grid's starred answers' ends have particular relevance
The whole nine yards, or a hint about how the starred answers are formed
What many sports cars lack, and, in a way, what the ends of the starred answers are
"Gosh!" (or, based on the starts of starred answers, one who is expert at solving this puzzle's theme?)
Massachusetts school ... and a description of the two-word meeting that occurs at the intersections of pairs of starred answers
Feature hidden in the starred answers (and suggested by the grid's center)
Embarking on something exciting, and a hint regarding what this puzzle's starred answers' endings have in common
When night owls thrive, or where the last words of the starred answers can go
Workweek start, or an apt title for this puzzle based on an abbreviation found in its five longest answers
Groundbreaking sitcom, and a hint to four different three-letter words concealed by starred answers
Number of birds hidden in starred-clue answers
Brief version of this puzzle's title hidden in eight long puzzle answers
Author of the 1974 novel found in the starts of the starred answers
What the starred answers start with
Different kinds of them are split (but not in an embarrassing way) in the four starred answers
Weaves, or what the starts of the starred answers are, in a way
Subject of an annual March 14 celebration and of this puzzle, celebrated in both a literal and a numerical way in the first square of the starred answers, reading left to right
Country that skips every other letter in the starred answers
Part of Bette Midler's nickname (and what the starred answers do)