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Roman writer who originated the phrase "Where there's life, there's hope"
Similar Crossword Questions:
Roman who originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
He originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
Roman writer who originated the phrase "with a grain of salt"
Ancient playwright who originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"
Roman philosopher who originated the phrase "What fools these mortals be"
Poet who originated the phrase "truth is stranger than fiction"
"All hope abandon, ye who enter here" writer
"Life with Father'' writer
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"Scenes of Clerical Life" writer, 1857
Poet who originated the phrase "harmony in discord"
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Writer who coined the phrase "categorical imperative"
Writer who said "All of life is a foreign country"
French writer who coined the phrase "Facts are stubborn things"
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Author of "A Writer's Life"
"A Writer's Life" writer, 2006
"A Writer's Life" autobiographer, 2006