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Suggest crossword puzzle
King, to Juan[LAST WEEK: The hidden name was Claudette Colbert, whose name appears across the grid's center row as CLAW / DEBT / COAL / BEAR.]
Similar Crossword Questions:
Feature hidden in the starred answers (and suggested by the grid's center)
"Too great a burden to bear": Martin Luther King Jr.
Web concerns ... and based on six familiar names hidden in rows 1, 4, 12 and 15 of this puzzle grid, what the black squares in those rows symbolize
Former German coal center
"Too great a burden to bear": M.L. King Jr.
Bear claw's cousin
Tiny bit (NOTE: The hidden generals in last week's puzzle were: (North) Grant, Sher-idan, Meade, Cus-ter, Burns-ide, Sherman, and Hook-er; and (South) For-rest, Early, Pic-kett, Stu-art, Longs-treet,
Org. with a national center named for Billie Jean King
Theme of this puzzle, whose members are hidden throughout the grid
Chicken-king center
Bear claw alternative
Czech coal center
One may be hidden in a teddy bear
European coal center
Claudette Colbert title role, in brief
"... card, ___ card" (Last week: The two diagonally hidden 18-letter titles were "Up the Down Staircase" and "Upstairs, Downstairs." The latter answer turned downward at the D of "Downstairs.")
Claudette Colbert
Iowa coal center
Where GIs fought Charlie[LAST WEEK: "Lady X" was Ingrid Bergman, whose first name is revealed in the circled squares (IN + GRID). Seven of her one-word movie titles can be seen "straddling" black squa
Negating conjunction [LAST WEEK: The hidden products were: Levi's, Glade, Total, Aleve, Comet, Crest, Advil, Lysol, Certs, Nestea and Cialis.]
Bear claw, for one
Letter that appears 28 times in this grid
Dr. King's "too great a burden to bear"
Bear claw, e.g.
Set of which all seven elements are fittingly hidden in the solved puzzle grid