Possible Questions:
- Joined
- Joined together
- As a team
- Coupled
- Linked
- Harnessed
- Joined, as oxen
- Teamed, as oxen
- Teamed
- Hitched, as oxen
- Teamed like oxen
- On the team?
- Linked, as oxen
- Like oxen pulling a plow
- Hooked up, as oxen
- Hitched to the plow
- On a farm team
- Married, in a way
- Linked together
- Like working oxen
- Like some teams
- Like paired oxen
- Like oxen, often
- Like oxen on the farm
- Like farm oxen
- Like a team of oxen
- Like a pair of oxen
- Joined, as a certain team
- Joined in a common cause?
- Joined a team
- In harness
- Hitched to the wagon
- Hitched to a plow, as oxen
- Hitched in the field
- Harnessed, as oxen
- Harnessed in tandem
- Coupled, as oxen
- Closely united