Possible Questions:
- Luke's mentor
- Little green man
- Luke's teacher
- "Star Wars" sage
- "Star Wars" character
- Skywalker's mentor
- Jedi guru
- Luke Skywalker's mentor
- ''Star Wars'' character
- Jedi teacher from Dagobah
- "Star Wars" guru
- Talks like this he does
- Sage voiced by Frank Oz
- Luke Skywalker's Jedi teacher
- Jedi teacher
- 1977 ELO hit
- Sci-fi sage
- Jedi master
- Frank Oz character
- "Star Wars" series teacher
- "Do or do not. There is no try" speaker
- Weird Al's Star Wars parody of a Kinks song
- The Force was with him
- Small film sage
- Skywalker mentor
- Luke was his disciple
- Jedi who lived on the planet Dagobah
- Jedi Council leader
- Green sage of films
- Green sage of film
- Force user of film
- Film voice of Frank Oz
- "There is no try" Jedi
- "The boy you trained, gone he is" speaker
- "Star Wars" series mentor
- "Star Wars" series guru
- "Return of the Jedi" sage
- 'Star Wars' sage
- ''Star Wars'' series teacher
- ''Star Wars'' mystic
- Wizened "Star Wars" guru
- The Empire Strikes Back mystic
- Teacher of "the Force"
- Talks like this in "Star Wars" films he does
- Star Wars character who uses unusual syntax
- Star Wars sage
- Star Wars Jedi guru
- Speaker of "Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be"
- Speak like this he does
- SkywalkerÂ’s teacher
- Skywalker's teacher
- Short sci-fi sage
- Short lightsaber combat master
- Sci-fi character whose last words are "There is ... another ... Sky ... Sky ... walker."
- Sage of sci-fi film
- Sage exiled on the planet Dagobah
- Powerful Jedi master
- Potent green sage
- Oz creature?
- Movie mentor with convoluted syntax
- Movie character who asks, "Why wish you become Jedi?"
- Mentor of Luke Skywalker
- Mentor for Luke Skywalker
- Luke's mentor, in "Star Wars"
- Luke's mentor in "Star Wars"
- Luke's "Star Wars" mentor
- Luke Skywalker's teacher
- Luke Skywalker's Jedi trainer
- Lucas master
- Little green man of film
- Jedi who was almost as old as Methuselah
- Jedi who uses an odd syntax
- Jedi sage
- Jedi master who said, "Happens to every guy sometimes this does"
- Jedi knight trainer
- Jedi Council figure
- In a Weird Al Yankovic song, he "looks like a Muppet, but he's wrinkled and green"
- His planet of exile is Dagobah
- His duel with Palpatine wrecked the Senate Rotunda
- He was exiled to Dagobah
- He said "Fear is the path to the dark side"
- Guru famous for his grammar
- Geriatric Jedi master
- Frank Oz provides his voice
- Forceful teacher?
- Force-full fellow of film?
- Film character with the voice of Frank Oz
- Film character who says "Named must your fear be before banish it you can"
- Film character who says "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'"
- Film character who lives to be 877
- Fighter of Darth Sidious
- Diminutive lightsaber wielder
- Count Dooku's onetime mentor
- Character "like this who talks"
- Big-eared "Star Wars" character
- A mentor of Luke Skywalker
- 900 year old "Star Wars" character
- "Weird" Al parody based on "Star Wars"
- "Told you I did, reckless is he" speaker
- "There is no try" utterer
- "The Empire Strikes Back" mystic
- "Star Wars" series sage
- "Star Wars" savant
- "Star Wars" saga's sage
- "Star Wars" saga character who speaks in object-subject-verb format
- "Star Wars" philosophizer
- "Ready are you? What know you of ready?" speaker
- "Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you" speaker
- "Much to learn, you still have" speaker
- "Judge me by my size, do you?" speaker
- "Impossible to see the future is" speaker
- "Fear is the path to the dark side" speaker
- "Clone Wars" general
- "Begun, the Clone War has" speaker
- "Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they" speaker
- 'Star Wars' guru
- ''Star Wars'' series sage