Possible Questions:
- Some execs
- Some officers
- Some company execs
- Number-two execs
- Nixon and Johnson, slangily
- Mondale and Quayle, once
- Gore and Burr, slangily
- Corporate officers
- Barkley et al.
- #2's
- They're 2nd in command
- Some seconds
- Some board members, slangily
- Senate tie breakers, briefly
- Rockefeller and others
- RMN and LBJ, consecutively
- Quayle and Gore, once
- Prexies' underlings
- Pols Cheney and Gore
- Pols Cheney and Biden
- Number twos
- Number 2's
- Mondale and Quayle, for ex.
- Many of them have gone on to become president
- Johnson and Johnson, e.g.
- H.H.H. and L.B.J., once
- Dick and Al, recently
- D.C. officials
- Company high-ups
- Boardroom execs
- Biden, Cheney, and Gore, informally
- Biden and Cheney, slangily
- Al and Dick, lately