Possible Questions:
- Power source: Abbr.
- Gas or elec., e.g.
- Gas or elec.
- Elec., e.g.
- Gas, e.g.: Abbr.
- Elec., for one
- Elec. company, e.g.
- Monthly pmt.
- Gas co., for one
- Electric co., for one
- Electric co., e.g.
- There's one next to Ventnor Ave. in Monopoly
- One of two Monopoly squares: Abbr.
- Monthly expense: Abbr.
- Monthly exp.
- Monopoly purchase: Abbr.
- Gas or electric co.
- Gas or elec. co.
- Electric or gas co., e.g.
- Electric co.
- Elec. or gas co., e.g.
- Elec. co., e.g.
- Condo expense: Abbr.
- Water, for one: Abbr.
- Water, e.g.: Abbr.
- Water supplier, e.g.: Abbr.
- Water or gas, e.g.: Abbr.
- Water co., e.g.
- Subj. of state regulation
- Sewage co., e.g.
- Regulated bus.
- Power co., e.g.
- Power co.
- Monopoly's Water Works, for one (Abbr.)
- Monopoly square: Abbr.
- Monopoly purchase (abbr.)
- Monopoly property: Abbr.
- Monopoly buy: Abbr.
- Monopoly buy (abbr.)
- It's billed monthly (abbr.)
- It may be split with roommates: Abbr.
- Govt.-regulated service
- Govt.-regulated business
- Gas, say: Abbr.
- Gas co., e.g.
- Gas co.
- Electricity or water: Abbr.
- Electricity or water (abbr.)
- Electric or water co.
- Elec., water, or gas
- Elec., water or gas
- Elec., for instance
- Elec. supplier
- Elec. or water, e.g.
- Elec. or water
- Elec. or gas
- Either of two Monopoly sqs.
- Either of a Monopoly pair: Abbr.
- Con Ed, e.g.: Abbr.
- Certain Monopoly sq.
- Cautious stock inv.
- $150 Monopoly prop.