Possible Questions:
- Sore spot
- Tummy trouble
- Gastric woe
- Stomach woe
- Peptic problem
- Gut feeling?
- Stomach ailment
- Worrier's risk
- Stomach problem
- Stomach lining problem
- Worrier's woe, it's said
- Worrier's health risk
- Trouble with the stomach lining
- Corrupting influence
- Worrier's worry
- Worrier's health problem, sometimes
- Stomach trouble
- Stomach malady
- Problem of the stomach lining
- Painful stomach problem
- Not a good gut feeling?
- Bad gut feeling?
- Worrier's risk, it's said
- Worrier's ailment, perhaps
- Duodenal woe
- Digestive-system malady
- Cause of a stomachache
- Case for a gastroenterologist
- Worrier's woe, they say
- Worrier's stomach woe, it's said
- Worrier's risk, they say
- Worrier's risk, so they say
- Worrier's malady
- Worrier's affliction
- Workaholic's woe
- Workaholic's comeuppance
- Type A's medical problem, supposedly
- Tagamet target
- Stress-related ailment, possibly
- Stress symptom, they say
- Stress result, perhaps
- Stress consequence, perhaps
- Stress ailment
- Stomachache cause, perhaps
- Stomach disorder
- Result of stress, it's been said
- Result of H. pylori infection
- Reason for much bellyaching
- Rat-race result
- Product of stress
- Problem caused by stomach acid
- Problem caused by gastric juice
- Price of too much worry and hurry
- Pressure product
- Possible stress result
- Possible source of abdominal pain
- Peptic disorder
- Peptic ___
- Painful hole
- Pain inside
- Modern malady
- Modern ailment
- Inside trouble
- Inner pain
- High-tension ailment
- Gut wrencher?
- Gut trouble
- Gut buster?
- Executive hazard
- Executive bellyache
- Executive ailment
- Eating may relieve its symptoms
- Disturbing condition
- Digestive tract condition
- Chronic worry
- Cause of a nasty gut feeling?
- Business-pressure result
- Belly ache?
- Bad feeling in the pit of one's stomach?
- Bad feeling in the gut?
- Bad feeling in one's gut?
- Affliction said to be caused by worry