Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Remote targets
Boob tubes
Idiot boxes
Show showers
Some sets
RCA products
Sports-bar fixtures
Sports bar array
Hotel room features
Family-room items
Den fixtures
Best Buy buys
SUV options
Remote targets?
What VCRs are connected to
Sports bar staples
Sets in dens
Man cave staples
Living room sets
DVRs connect to them
Consoles, perhaps
Commercial products?
Certain sets
ABC outlets
Zeniths, e.g.
Where to watch the best DVDs
Where to see spots
What DVD players connect to
Video receivers, abbr.
VCRs' companions
VCR hookups
VCR hook-ups
VCR attachments
VCR adjuncts
Tubes, to some
Things in the window of an electronics store
They're in 98% of Amer. homes
They're connected to DVD players
They show shows
They often hang around sports bars
They hook up to VCRs
They hook up to DVD players
Televisions, for short
Sports-bar array
Sports bars have big ones
Sports bar screens
Sony products
Sony output
Some surfers' needs
Some Sharp and Sony products
Some RCAs
Some RCA's
Some modern wall hangings
Some boxes from big box stores
Some are HD
Soap displayers
Snow showers?
Sharp things
Sharp products
Sets since the 40's
Sets in some gyms?
Sets in some gyms
Sets for couch potatoes
Samsung and Sony products
Rec-room items
RCA array
RCA and Panasonic products
Plasma purchases
Picture producers
Ones with spots showing?
Ones going through channels?
O.T.B. conveniences
Nielsen tracks ratings on them
Motel amenities
Mod receivers
Media outlets?
Many are connected by cable
Living-room sets
Living room fixtures?
Household sets
Hospital room staples
Hospital room rentals
Hi-def buys
Goggle boxes, so to speak
Family-room sets
Family-room appliances: Abbr.
Entertainment center components
DVD displayers
DVD adjuncts
Devices in front of treadmills
Cable outlets
Buys for dens
Boob tubes, initially?
Best Buy assortment
Attachments to VCR's
Appliances hidden in seven answers in this puzzle
Appliance store array
Analog ones won't work after June 12, 2009
"Plasma" appliances
''Plasma'' appliances