Possible Questions:
- Musical direction
- ___-frutti
- __-frutti
- All, in music
- "Cosi fan ___"
- Half of an ice cream flavor
- "___ Frutti" (Little Richard tune)
- Half an ice cream flavor
- "___ Frutti" (Little Richard classic)
- Score direction
- All, in scores
- All together, in music
- Word in a Little Richard song title
- With everyone playing
- For the full band, on a score
- All together, musically
- "___ Frutti"
- -- -frutti
- ___-frutti (ice-cream flavor)
- Symphony marking
- Everyone, in orchestral scores
- "___ Frutti" (Little Richard hit)
- ___-frutti ice cream
- With the whole orchestra playing, in scores
- Solo's opposite
- Passage performed by all players
- Orchestral passage
- Opposite of solo
- Musical passage performed by all
- Musical direction meaning "all"
- Little Richard's '-- Frutti'
- Ice-cream flavor word
- Half an ice-cream flavor
- Half a rhyming flavor
- Full chorus, in music
- For the full orchestra, in scores
- For the full orchestra
- For the entire band, on a score
- For all, to Verdi
- For all, in music
- For all voices
- For all to play, in music
- For all players: Mus.
- Flavor start
- First half of an ice cream flavor
- First half of a Little Richard song title
- Everyone, on a score
- Cosi fan ____
- Conductor's "All together, now!"
- All, on a musical score
- All together musically
- All in music
- "All together, musicians!"
- ''Frutti'' intro
- '-- Frutti'
- ___-frutti (ice cream flavor)
- _____-frutti
- _____ -frutti
- ___ -frutti