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Possible Questions:
"For shame!"
Sound of disapproval
"Too bad!"
Derisive sound
Chiding sound
"Shame on you!"
Sound of contempt
"'Tis a pity"
Disapproving sound
"What a shame!"
For shame!
Too bad!
"Naughty, naughty!"
Tongue-clucking sound
Discouraging word
Sound of reproof
Scolding syllable
Sound of impatience
Sound of disdain
Reproachful sound
Expression of disappointment
Condescending cluck
Cluck of disapproval
"Such a pity"
'For shame!'
Tut relative
Terse reproof
Sound of reproach
Sound of rebuke
Clucking sound
"What a pity"
"For shame!" noise
''For shame!''
Tut's cousin
Reproachful remark
Mild reproof
"You should know better!"
"That wasn't nice!"
"For shame"
"Bad boy!"
Tut's cousin?
Sound of disappointment
Scolding sound
Exclamation of annoyance
Critical cluck
Click of disapproval
Chider's sound
Admonisher's sound
"You shouldn't have!"
"Mustn't do that"
Word of reproval
Terse reproach
Sound uttered while shaking the head
Sound of mock sympathy
Shaming syllable
Reproving sound
Pooh-pooher's sound
Impatient sound
Exclamation of disapproval
Displeased cluck
Disapproving comment
Cluck of reproach
Bit of reproof
Bit of chiding
Alveolar click
"You should have known better"
"You know better"
"That wasn't nice"
"That was bad"
"That was a no-no"
"Shame, shame" noise
"How naughty of you!"
"Have you no shame?"
''You should be ashamed of yourself!''
''Shame on you!''
When repeated, it might accompany a finger wag
Vowelless reproof
Vowelless admonition
Utterance of a finger wagger
Twee rebuke
Tut's relative
Tongue-produced sound
Tongue-cluck sound
Tongue click
Tiny chastisement
Sympathetic sound
Sound of scolding
Sound of reproval
Sound of excoriation
Sound of admonition
Sound made with a head shake
Sound made with a frown
Sound made while shaking one's head
Sound from the Church Lady
Small sound of annoyance
Sigh relative
Short rebuke
Shaming sound
“Shame, shame, I know your name!”
Shame-on-you syllable
“Shame on you”
Reproof sound
Reproachful cluck
Rebuking sound
Partner of tsk?
Partner of tsk
Noise of disapproval
Moralizer's sound
Informal reproach
Head-shaking sound
Finger wagger's sound
Exclamation of reproach
Disapproving noise
Disapproval sound
Dental click
Critical sound
Cluck of condescension
Click of reproach
Click of condescension
Chiding word
Brief reproach
Bit of censure
Admonisher's utterance
[How shameful!]
[For shame!]
"You should know better"
"You really shouldn't have!"
"You ought to be ashamed!"
"You naughty person!"
"You naughty boy!"
"Uh-uh, bad!"
"Tut!" kin
"That's disappointing"
"That's a no-no"
"That was bad of you!"
"Shouldn't do that"
"Not nice!"
"Naughty, naughty"
"Naughty boy!"
"I would have thought better of you..."
"I expected better"
"I disapprove"
"How could you!?"
"For shame!" sound
"Come, come"
'Tut tut!'
'Bad boy!'
''Shame on you!'' sound
''Bad boy!''
'''Tis a pity''