Possible Questions:
- Autocrats
- Rulers
- Winter Palace residents
- Autocrats of old
- Despots
- Historical figures of Russia
- Tyrants
- Peter and Paul, but not Mary
- Bygone leaders
- Peter and Paul
- Summer Palace residents, once
- Some Romanovs
- Pre-Revolution leaders
- Peter and Nicholas
- Old Russian rulers
- Ivan and Nicholas
- Russian rulers
- Former Russian sovereigns
- Former Russian leaders
- Absolute rulers
- Pre-1917 rulers
- Powerful people
- Peter and others
- Palace figures
- Michael and Peter
- Ivan and Peter
- Former rulers
- Bygone rulers
- Bygone despots
- "The ___ Bride" (Rimsky-Korsakov opera)
- Russian royals
- Romanov rulers
- Peter and Alexander
- Nicholas and Peter
- Former Russian rulers
- Former Russian despots
- Crowned heads of Russia
- Bygone dynasts
- Boris Godunov and others
- 1917 marked their end
- Winter Palace figures
- Ruling Romanovs
- Rulers before Lenin
- Pre-1917 autocrats
- Peter and Ivan
- Past potentates
- Old Russian leaders
- Old Russian despots
- Old rulers
- Old despots
- Nicholas I and II
- Nicholas and Alexander
- Ivans IV and V, e.g.
- Industry bigwigs
- Erstwhile Russian rulers
- Bygone Russian despots
- Bygone dictators
- Bygone autocrats
- Autocrats of yore
- Alexander and Peter
- Winter Palace dwellers
- Summer Palace residents
- Some Russian rulers
- Several Peters
- Russian rulers, once
- Russian rulers of yesteryear
- Russian potentates
- Russian emperors
- Rulers until 1917
- Rulers of yore
- Rulers of old
- Pre-revolution leaders (Var.)
- Pre-Lenin rulers
- Pre-1917 Russian rulers
- Peter and Alexander, notably
- One-time rulers
- Old Russian royals
- Old Russian dynasts
- Old dynasty members
- Old dynasts
- Old crowned heads?
- Old autocrats
- Obsolete rulers
- Nicholas I and II, e.g.
- Nicholas and others
- Ivans IV and V (Var.)
- Ivan the Terrible et al.
- Ivan et al.
- High chiefs of sports
- Former despots
- Faberge egg recipients
- Emperors
- Deposed rulers
- Certain autocrats (Var.)
- Certain autocrats
- Bygone royalty
- Bygone monarchs
- Winter Palace succession
- Winter Palace residents, once
- Winter Palace residents of old
- Tyrants (Var.)
- Three Peters
- Three Ivans
- Those wielding much power
- They make ukases
- Strongmen of old
- Some Peters
- Some past despots
- Some old dynasts
- Some crueler rulers
- Simeon the Great and his successors
- Russian rulers of yore
- Russian rulers of old
- Russian line
- Russian leaders before 1917
- Russian leaders
- Russian kings
- Russian dynasts, once
- Russian dynasts of the past
- Russian dictators
- Russian despots
- Rulers of muzhiks
- Romanovs
- Romanov V.I.P.'s
- Romanov royals
- Romanoffs
- Reds' old foes
- Red foes
- Quondam rulers
- Pre-Soviet succession
- Pre-Soviet autocrats
- Pre-Russian-Revolution leaders
- Peter, Paul, Nicholas et al.
- Peter the Great et al.
- Peter I and Paul I
- Peter I and II
- Peter and Paul, e.g., but not Mary
- Peter and Paul I
- Past dynasts
- Onetime Russian despots
- Onetime autocrats
- One-time Winter Palace dwellers
- Omnipotent potentates
- Old Russian line
- Old overlords
- Old monarchs
- Old line in Russia
- Nicholas II & Ivan IV
- Nicholas I and others
- Nicholas I and Nicholas II
- Nicholas and Ivan, e.g.
- Nicholas and Ivan
- Nicholas and Boris
- Nicholas and Alexander, e.g.
- Moscow monarchs of yore
- Monarchs of yore
- Michael and others
- Line that ended in 1917
- Lenin's predecessors
- Latter-day Caesars
- Kremlin occupants
- Kaiser's company
- Kaiser cousins
- Ivan IV and V
- Ivan and Nicholas, e.g.
- Godunov et al.
- Godunov and his ilk
- Fyodor and Alexis
- Former Russian VIPs
- Former kings of Bulgaria
- Feodor and Peter
- Dynasts of yore
- Dictators of old
- Despots of old
- Defunct rulers
- Crowned heads of old Russia
- Crowned heads of old
- Crimean War figures
- Bygone Russian rulers
- Bygone Russian leaders
- Boris Godunov et al.
- Boris and Nicholas
- Autocrats (Var.)
- Alexis and others
- Alexis and Basil
- Alexander et al.
- Alexander and Peter e.g.
- Alexander and others
- Alexander and Nicholas
- "The ___ Bride," Rimsky-Korsakov opera
- ''The ___ Bride'' (Rimsky-Korsakov opera)