Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Fork part
Pitchfork feature
Fork prong
Fork feature
Sticking point
Pitchfork part
It has a point
Sticking point?
Pitchfork prong
Trident feature
Antler part
Trident part
Fork point
Part of a fork
Antler point
Antler feature
Point at the dinner table?
Trident prong
Stick with it
Rake part
Food sticker
Sharp point
Food spearer
Pitchfork point
Pitchfork piece
Pea picker
Part of a harrow
Trident point
Antler's point
Antler branch
There's a point to it
Silver-plated sticker
Point at the table
Point at the dinner table
Pea piercer
It comes to a point
Harrow part
Fork sticker
Fork poker
Fork fork
Dining tip?
Table poker?
Spork prong
Rake feature
Pointed part
Point at the table?
Pitchfork poker
Pea picker?
Part of a spork
Part of a runcible spoon
Part of a pitchfork
Meat piercer
Fork spike
Food stabber
Antler tip
Antler prong
Antler end
Tuning-fork prong
Tooth or spike
Sticker on a plate
Spork point
Spork part
Spork feature
Spearer, of sorts
Small part of a spork
Small part of a fork
Silverware point
Rake tooth
Prong of a pitchfork
Pot sticker?
Pointy part
Point of Grant Wood's "American Gothic"?
Point of eating?
Point of a power lunch?
Pitchfork's piercer
Piercing part
Part of a part of a place setting
Part of a farm harrow
Part for piercing
One point of eating?
One might break off of your plastic fork, and right into the egg salad (goddammit)
Meat stabber
Long prong
Jabber at the table?
Item component usually seen in threes or fours
It might go through capers
It has a point to it
Harrow feature
Fork unit
Fork tooth
Flatware prong
Feature of a fork
Business end of a fork
Antlers point
Antler's branch
Antler protrusion