Possible Questions:
- Pronoun
- This and that
- The ones here
- This and this
- What we have here
- The ones right here
- Pointer's word
- "We hold ___ truths . . . "
- This, this and this
- This one and that one
- "___ Foolish Things . . . ": 1935 song
- The ones close by
- "We hold ___ truths to be self-evident"
- "We hold ___ truths . . ."
- "___ Eyes" (1969 hit)
- The things here
- Ones at hand
- "We hold ___ truths ..."
- "___ Foolish Things . . . "
- "___ are the times . . . "
- '-- Foolish Things'
- What's here
- The ones in front of us
- Nearby objects
- More than this?
- "One of ___ days, Alice ..."
- "One of ___ days ..."
- "One of __ days . . ."
- "___ Foolish Things . . . ," 1935 song
- "___ Boots Are Made for Walkin'"
- The things right here
- The group right here
- Not those
- Nearby things
- Items on hand
- "With friends like ___ ..."
- "We hold ___ truths to be self-evident . . ."
- "We hold __ truths to be self-evident"
- "One of ___ days..."
- "Around ___ parts ..."
- "___ Foolish Things"
- "__ Dreams": 1986 #1 hit
- ''One of ___ days, Alice ...''
- __ days (at present)
- William Carlos Williams poem
- This, this, and this
- This bunch
- Things present
- Things here
- The ones right in front of us
- The ones present
- The ones nearby
- The ones before us
- The "Eyes" in a hit song by The Guess Who
- Stevie Wonder's "___ Three Words"
- Queen "___ Are the Days of Our Lives"
- Poem by William Carlos Williams
- Ones nearby
- Not the others
- “Lord, what fools ___ mortals be!”
- Guess Who "___ Eyes"
- Faulkner's "___ Thirteen"
- Benny Goodman's "___ Foolish Things"
- Anagram for "sheet"
- 1995 Bon Jovi album "___ Days"
- "With friends like ---, ..."
- "With friends like ___, who ..."
- "With ___ words ..."
- "Who are ___ people?!"
- "What fools ___ mortals be"
- "What fools ___ mortals be!"
- "We hold --- truths to be ..."
- "We hold --- truths ..."
- "We hold ___ truths..."
- "We hold ___ truths to be self-evident ..."
- "We hold ___ truths to be . . ."
- "We hold __ truths ..."
- "Some of ___ Days"
- "Some of ___ Days," 1910 song
- "One of --- days ..."
- "One of ___ days"
- "One of ___ days, Alice..."
- "One of ___ days . . . "
- "One of __ days, Alice ...": Ralph Kramden
- "One of __ days ..."
- "On ___ I Stand," book by Countee Cullen
- "Lord, what fools ___ mortals be!"
- "If ___ walls could speak ..."
- "_____ Eyes" (1969 song)
- "_____ Dreams" (1986 song)
- "_____ Dream" (1986 pop hit)
- "___ Words" (2005 Natasha Bedingifeld hit)
- "___ Words" (2005 Natasha Bedingfield hit)
- "___ Three," Wyler film
- "___ Thirteen": Faulkner
- "___ tedious old fools!": Hamlet
- "___ Old Broads" (MacLaine/Taylor film)
- "___ Foolish Things" (1936 hit)
- "___ Foolish Things" (1930's hit)
- "___ Foolish Things . . . ": 1935 ballad
- "___ Eyes" (1969 song)
- "___ Eyes" (1969 hit for the Guess Who)
- "___ Eyes," 1969 Guess Who hit
- "___ Dreams," 1986 #1 hit
- "___ Days" (Rascal Flatts hit)
- "___ Boots Are Made for Walkin'" (1966 hit)
- "___ aren't the droids you're looking for" ("Star Wars" line)
- "___ are the times that try men's souls": Thomas Paine
- "___ are the times that . . . "
- "___ are the times ..." (Thomas Paine quote)
- "___ are my jewels"
- "__ Foolish Things": old song
- "__ Foolish Things"
- "__ are the times..."
- "__ are the times that ...": Paine
- " . . . stays ___ couriers . . . "
- 'We hold -- truths ...'
- 'Kids -- days!'
- ''_____ Foolish Things''
- ''__ are the times that try men's souls''
- ''__ are the times that . . .''
- '-- things happen'
- ____ Foolish Things . . .
- ____ Eyes : Guess Who hit
- ____ Foolish Things
- “___ Thirteen” (1931 Faulkner short-story collection)
- ___ New Puritans (UK band)