Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Theme of this puzzle
Arcade game with dropping figures
Popular computer game
Classic computer game with falling shapes
Game with falling shapes
Block-dropping game
Arcade game
Shape-fitting arcade game
Dropping-block game
Computer addiction of the 1990s
Video game from Russia
Sixth best-selling video game franchise of all time
Shape-fitting game
Popular game-app download
Popular game import from Russia
Popular game from Russia
Popular computer game with geometric shapes
Popular 1990s computer game
Nonviolent arcade game
Non-violent arcade game
Hot 90's computer game
Hot 1990s computer game
Hot 1990's computer game
Geometric computer game
Game with tumbling blocks
Game with L- and Z-shaped pieces
Game with four-block pieces
Game with falling blocks
Game played with seven pieces
Game of falling popularity?
Game of falling pieces
Game invented by Alexey Pajitnov
Game in which all pieces have four components
Game for shapeshifters?
Game designed by Alexey Pajitnov
Game craze of the late 1980s and '90s
Computer diversion with falling shapes
Arcade sensation of the 90's
Arcade game with falling figures
Arcade favorite
Addictive block-dropping game
'80s video game
'80s video blockbuster
'80s blockbuster video game