Possible Questions:
- Gumshoes
- Spade and Hammer
- "___ Flux" (Charlize Theron movie)
- Private eyes
- Shadows
- P.I.'s
- Dicks
- Sleuths, slangily
- Sleuths, for short
- Private investigators, for short
- Private eyes, for short
- Paretsky's Warshawski and Grafton's Millhone, briefly
- Spade et al., briefly
- Sleuths
- Shamuses
- Professional snoops
- Private eyes, in slang
- Case workers, briefly
- Whodunit V.I.P.'s
- Soho sleuths
- Sleuths, in slang
- Sleuths, briefly
- Slag for sleuths
- Sherlocks, for short
- Shadows, briefly
- Private eyes, slangily
- Many pulp heroes, in slang
- Lt. Columbo et al.
- Investigators, for short
- Hired sleuths, slangily
- Hawkshaws
- Hammett characters
- Hammer or Spade types
- Gumshoes, in old crime fiction
- Film-noir heroes
- Clue hunters, slangily
- Clue finders
- British gumshoes
- Barnaby Jones et al.