Possible Questions:
- Georgia and Latvia, formerly (abbr.)
- Lith. and Ukr., once
- Lith. and Lat., once
- States under Stalin (Abbr.)
- Lat. and Ukr., once
- Cold War grp.
- The Baltics, once (Abbr.)
- Old pol. divisions
- Lat. and Lith., once
- Georgia et al., once: Abbr.
- Former political divs.
- Cold war gp.
- Ukr. et al., once
- Ukr. and Lith., once
- Ukr. and Lat., once
- The Baltics, once: Abbr.
- Some Eur. nations, not long ago
- Red states?: Abbr.
- Old political divs.
- Lith. and Lat., formerly
- Lat., Lith. and Ukr., once
- Georgia and others, once: Abbr.
- They broke up in 1991: Abbr.
- Some former UN members
- Rus. and Ukr., once
- Red grp.
- Pre-1991 pol. divisions
- Pre-'91 republics
- Old pol. units
- Old geographical initials
- Much of Eastern Eur., once
- Lith. and Ukr., formerly
- Georgia and Latvia, prev.
- Georgia and Estonia, formerly
- Former union members: Abbr.
- Estonia and Latvia, formerly: Abbr.
- Estonia and Armenia, once: Abbr.
- Est. and Lat., once
- C.I.S. members, once
- Bygone polit. entities
- Azerbaijan and Ukraine, once: Abbr.
- Armenia and Georgia, once (Abbr.)
- What Latvia and Belarus once were: Abbr.
- United entities before 1991: Abbr.
- Union mems. until 1991
- Union members until 1991: Abbr.
- Ukraine and others, once: Abbr.
- Ukr., Latv., etc.
- Ukr., etc.
- Ukr., Est. and Lith., once
- Ukr. et al, once
- Ukr. and Lith.
- Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, once: abbr.
- They became independent in the 1990s: abbr.
- The Baltic States, once: Abbr.
- Tadzhik and Uzbek: Abbr.
- States under Stalin: Abbr.
- Stalin's states (abbr.)
- Some of them are now in the EU
- Some Eur. Union members, once
- Russia and Latvia are two: Abbr.
- Regions on 1980s maps: abbr.
- Red gp., once
- Red gp.
- Red areas, once: Abbr.
- Pre-1989 Eurasian political divs.
- Parts of Eastern Eur., once
- Part of Eastern Europe, once: Abbr.
- Old union members: Abbr.
- Old red states?: Abbr.
- Old polit. entities
- Old Eurasian locales: Abbr.
- Old atlas entries
- Much of Eur., once
- Much of Eur. and Asia once
- Members of a former union: Abbr.
- Lith. et al., once
- Lith. and Azer., once
- Latvia et al., once: Abbr.
- Latvia et al.
- Latvia and Estonia, once: Abbr.
- Lat. and others, once
- Lat. and Lith., formerly
- Kazakhstan and others, formerly (abbr.)
- Kazakhstan and Armenia, e.g.
- Kazakh and Uzbek: Abbr.
- Independence achievers of 1991: Abbr.
- Georgia et al., once
- Georgia and Uzbekistan, formerly (Abbr.)
- Georgia and Ukraine, once: Abbr.
- Georgia and Russia, under Stalin
- Georgia and neighbors, once: Abbr.
- Georgia and Moldova, once: Abbr.
- Georgia and Lithuania, once: Abbr.
- Georgia and Latvia, once: Abbr.
- Georgia and Latvia, once (abbr.)
- Georgia and Armenia, once: abbr.
- Former union mems.
- Former states: Abbr.
- Former Soviet sts.
- Former grp. of 15
- Former Eur. union members
- Estonia et al., once: Abbr.
- Estonia and Latvia, once: Abbr.
- Estonia and Latvia, formerly (abbr.)
- Est. and Lith., for 51 years
- Erstwhile grp. of 15
- Eastern Eur. units
- Communist federation: Abbr.
- Cold war-era lands: Abbr.
- Cold War states: Abbr.
- CIS members, formerly
- C.C.C.P. units
- C.C.C.P. divisions
- Bygone pol. units
- Bygone grp. of 15
- Bygone Black Sea borderers: Abbr.
- Byelorussia and Georgia: Abbr.
- Baltic states, once: Abbr.
- Azerbaijan and Ukraine, once (Abbr.)
- Azerbaijan and Belarus, once: Abbr.
- Armenia and Georgia, once: Abbr.
- Armenia and Estonia, once: abbr.
- Armenia and Azerbaijan, once: Abbr.
- A lot of Eurasia, once: Abbr.
- A great deal of Eurasia, once: Abbr.