Possible Questions:
- ___ Lanka
- Hindu title
- __ Lanka
- Indian honorific
- Hindu title of respect
- -- Lanka
- Eastern title
- Lanka lead-in
- Hindu honorific
- Indian title
- Title of respect
- --- Lanka
- Respectful title in India
- Indian title of respect
- Hindu goddess
- Respectful title
- Respectful address
- ____ Lanka
- Eastern honorific
- Asian honorific
- Title in India
- Mr., abroad
- Indian term of respect
- Hindu mister
- Asian title of respect
- Mr., in India
- ___ Lankan
- ___ Lanka (Ceylon)
- "Lanka" start
- _____ Lanka
- Title of respect in India
- Mumbai title
- Madras Mr.
- Guru's title
- Lanka preceder
- Indian address
- Hindu Mr.
- Eastern title of respect
- Bombay title
- Asian title
- Title of respect, abroad
- Overseas title
- Mr. abroad
- Mister, in Mumbai
- Madras mister
- Indian title of address
- Indian Mr.
- Hindu "Mr."
- ____Lanka
- Word before "Lanka"
- Mumbai Mr.
- Mr., in Mumbai
- Mr., in Madras
- Mr., in Calcutta
- Mr. in Bombay
- Madras title
- Indian mister
- Holy man's title
- Holy Hindu's title
- Delhi title
- Delhi address
- What many a male Indian is called
- Title for a guru
- Title for a distinguished Indian
- Sahib's address
- Sahib alternative
- Respectful Indian title
- Respectful Hindu title
- Respectful Bombay title
- Respectful Asian address
- Poona title
- Part of Ceylon's current name
- Mumbai mister
- Mr. in New Delhi
- Mr. in Calcutta
- Lead-in to "Lanka"
- Lanka's leader?
- Lanka leader
- Indian appellation
- Holy person's title
- Hindu title of address
- Hindu address
- Hindi title of respect
- Colombo Mr.
- "Lanka" lead-in
- -- Lankan
- Word on the UN member list
- Word in many an ashram
- Word before Lanka
- What some gurus are called
- What many an Indian is called
- What a guru might be called
- Title that means "wealth"
- Title that literally means ''beauty''
- Title of veneration
- Title of respect, in New Delhi
- Title of respect, in Mumbai
- Title in Delhi
- Title for Nehru
- Title for a Hindu
- Term of respect in India
- Start of many Indian place names
- Start of a country
- Sir, to a Hindu
- Sanskrit title
- Sanskrit term of respect
- Sanskrit honorific that is an anagram of a similar English honorific
- Sanskrit for "majesty"
- Relative of "Reverend"
- Ramakrishna's title
- Part of the country that was Ceylon
- Part of Ceylon's new name
- Part of a mystic's name, maybe
- Overseas Mr.
- Mysore Mr.
- Mr., in the East
- Mr., in Mysore
- Mr. in Mumbai
- Mr. in Madras
- Mister, in Meerut
- Mister, in India
- Mister equivalent
- Mister in Madras
- Manipur man's title
- Jaipur title
- Indo-___ Lanka Peace Accord
- Indian poet ___ Aurobindo
- Indian name starter
- Honorific that's Sanskrit for "majesty"
- Honorific that means "splendor"
- Holy introduction
- Hindustani sir
- Hindustani Mr.
- Hindi "mister"
- Foreign title of respect
- Assam appellation
- Asian title that's an anagram of an English one
- Asian Mr.
- Asian mister
- Asian appellation
- Asian address
- Ashram founder's title
- "Mister" in New Delhi
- "Lanka" preceder
- -- Lanka (Indian Ocean nation)
- _____Lanka
- ______ Lanka
- ___ Vaishnavism (Hindu sect)
- ___ Lankans
- ___ Lanka (formerly Ceylon)
- ___ Chinmoy (spiritual guide who often lifts people)
- ___ Chinmoy (late spiritual leader)