Possible Questions:
- Somewhat
- More or less
- Rather
- In a way
- To some degree
- Somewhat, informally
- In a way, informally
- Somewhat, slangily
- Not exactly
- Kinda
- In a way, slangily
- In a way, in a way
- Rather, informally
- Not exactly, informally
- Somewhat, casually
- More or less, informally
- In a way, in slang
- A bit, colloquially
- Rather, slangily
- Rather informal?
- ___ Motel
- To some degree, colloquially
- Somewhat, colloquially
- After a fashion, informally
- A bit, informally
- To some extent, colloquially
- To some degree, informally
- To a degree, informally
- Somewhat, somewhat informally
- Rather, colloquially
- Rather colloquial?
- Not exactly, slangily
- Not exactly, conversationally
- More or less, slangily
- Kind of, in slang
- Informal qualifier
- In a way, conversationally
- In a way, colloquially
- In a sense
- A little, colloquially
- "Yes and no"
- "Kinda"
- "... ish"
- 'Kinda- --'