Possible Questions:
- NBC weekend comedy show
- NBC show since 1975
- NBC show since '75
- NBC weekend revue
- NBC weekend show
- NBC sketch series
- NBC show
- NBC fixture since '75
- It's live from N.Y.
- NBC staple
- NBC hit since '75
- NBC fixture since 1975
- Long-running NBC show
- "Weekend Update" show, briefly
- ___ Digital Short
- Show based at 30 Rock
- NBC weekend staple
- NBC skit show
- NBC prog. since 1975
- Debut of Oct. 1975
- "Weekend Update" show, for short
- Weekly NBC offering
- Weekend TV staple since '75
- Weekend NBC hit, for short
- Variety show since 1975, briefly
- TV show that featured Killer Bees
- TV revue since '75
- TV inits. since 10/11/75
- The Coneheads' show, for short
- Show with Stefon, the City Correspondent for New York City
- Show with coneheads (Abbr.)
- Show with a Five-Timers Club, for short
- Show that released the edited version of "I'm on a Boat," for short
- Old Chevy vehicle, briefly
- NBC staple for over 30 years
- NBC sketch show
- NBC show with skits
- NBC show for three decades, briefly
- NBC series since '75
- NBC premiere of 1975
- NBC post-prime time staple
- NBC long-running hit, initially
- NBC inits. since 1975
- NBC comedy staple
- NBC comedy series
- Long-running NBC show, for short
- It's shot at 30 Rock
- Irreverent weekend hit, informally
- Inits. in comedy
- Eddie Murphy's old show, for short
- Debut of Oct. 11, 1975
- D.C. spoofer
- Chevy vehicle, briefly
- Chevy vehicle of the 1970s, briefly
- Betty White recently hosted it
- Andy Samberg show, for short
- 1975 NBC debut, briefly
- "MADtv" alternative
- ". . . from New York!" show, briefly
- ''Not Ready for Prime Time Players'' show
- Wiig gig, for short
- Wiig gig
- Where Tina Fey debuted her Sarah Palin impression
- Where the Coneheads first appeared (abbr.)
- Where the Blues Brothers got their start, familiarly
- Where the Blues Brothers got their start, briefly
- Where the Blues Brothers debuted: Abbr.
- Where the Blues Brothers began, briefly
- Where Bill Hader is a veteran
- Whence "Dick in a Box"
- Weekly TV show with guest hosts, for short
- Weekly TV satire, informally
- Weekly show starting at 11:30 p.m. E.T.
- Weekly satirical TV show, briefly
- Weekly NBC staple, for short
- Weekly 90-min. show
- Weekend TV staple
- Weekend TV show, for short
- Weekend TV show that had four presidential candidates as guests in 2008
- Weekend TV revue
- Weekend TV listing
- Weekend TV hit
- Weekend TV fare for nearly 40 yrs.
- Weekend staple from NBC
- Weekend show, for short
- Weekend NBC staple, for short
- Weekend NBC comedy, for short
- Weekend initials since the '70s
- Wayne's World venue, initially
- Venue for the Not Ready for Prime Time Players, in brief
- Venue for the Blues Brothers, for short
- Variety show since 1975: Abbr.
- Variety show first hosted by G. Carlin in '75
- TV show with the Coneheads
- TV show with recurring "Killer Bees" sketches
- TV show with a "Weekend Update" segment
- TV show thought to have influenced some 2008 voters
- TV show that's "thirtysomething"
- TV show that has spawned many movies, briefly
- TV show that had recurring "Killer Bees" sketches
- TV show that Gerald Ford was the first president to appear on
- TV show that featured two wild and crazy guys
- TV show that featured the Killer Bees
- TV show that featured the Festrunk Brothers
- TV show that featured Jorge and Yortuk Festrunk
- TV show on which Don Pardo does the announcements
- TV show filmed at 30 Rock
- TV show created by Lorne Michaels, for short
- TV show created by Lorne Michaels
- TV series since '75
- TV revue since 1975
- TV prog. with a different host each week
- TV prog. that became the most Primetime Emmy-nominated show of all time in 2010
- TV premiere of 1975
- TV mainstay broadcast from Studio 8H
- TV inits. since 1975
- TV home of the Ambiguously Gay Duo
- Toonces's show, for short
- Tina Fey's old show, for short
- Tina Fey's old show, briefly
- Tina Fey was its first female head writer, briefly
- Thirty-five year old sketch comedy show
- The last episode of its current season will be hosted by Bryan Cranston
- The ___ Band (led by Lenny Pickett)
- Taran Killam's show, for short
- Springboard for new comics, briefly
- Source of TV laughs for 30 years
- Skittish show?: Abbr.
- Skittish NBC show?
- Skit-filled NBC show, for short
- Skit site, for short
- Sketchy program, informally?
- Sketch-based TV show, briefly
- Sketch source
- Sketch show, for short
- Sketch show that hasn't had a black female regular since 2007
- Sketch show since '75
- Sketch comedy TV series since '75
- Show with skits, for short
- Show with loads of film spin-offs
- Show with digital shorts, for short
- Show with an inaccurate title for Western U.S. viewers
- Show with a "Weekend Update" segment, briefly
- Show with a "cold open"
- Show with "The Ambiguously Gay Duo," for short
- Show with "Celebrity Jeopardy!" spoofs, briefly
- Show with '70s samurai sketches, briefly
- Show which several "30 Rock" actors came from
- Show that's launched many film careers: Abbr.
- Show that recently added Sasheer Zamata to its cast
- Show that premiered Oct. 11, 1975
- Show that launched Eddie Murphy and Chevy Chase, for short
- Show that inspired "30 Rock": Abbr.
- Show that inspired "30 Rock" (abbr.)
- Show that has banned Cypress Hill and Frank Zappa
- Show that featured Fey as Palin
- Show that did the skit "Lazy Sunday"
- Show that debuted with Gilda Radner and John Belushi, briefly
- Show that debuted on Oct. 11, 1975
- Show that debuted 10/11/1975, for short
- Show that brought us Wills Ferrell and Forte
- Show that banned Adrien Brody for life in 2003
- Show that Alec Baldwin has hosted the most with 16 appearances, briefly
- Show that Al Franken wrote for, for short
- Show staged at 30 Rock
- Show shot in the GE Building
- Show on which the Blues Brothers debuted: Abbr.
- Show on which Lennon and McCartney considered reuniting, for short
- Show on Sen. Franken's résumé
- Show from which Martin Lawrence is banned for life
- Show from which Adrien Brody and Martin Lawrence are banned for life
- Show from Rockefeller Ctr.
- Show for which Dana Carvey won an Emmy
- Show for Murray and Myers
- Show filmed at Studio 8H in the GE Building
- Show featuring many alumni of L.A.'s Groundlings comedy troupe
- Show done at 30 Rock
- Show created by Lorne Michaels, for short
- Show broadcast from 30 Rock
- Show announced by Don Pardo for 30+ years, for short
- Short vehicle of the 1980s, for short
- Series staged at 30 Rock
- Satirical TV show since '75
- Sandler's old employer: Abbr.
- Roseanne Roseannadanna's venue, initially
- Roseanne Roseannadanna's show, for short
- Ray Charles hosted it in 1977: Abbr.
- Presenter of many a spoof, for short
- Precursor to talk shows for Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers, in short
- Olympia Cafe venue, briefly
- Oct. 1975 TV debut
- Oct. 1975 NBC debut
- NYC sketch show
- NYC sketch comedy show
- News satire source, briefly
- NBC-TV inits.
- NBC weekend skit show, for short
- NBC weekend hit, briefly
- NBC weekend fixture, for short
- NBC weekend comedy, briefly
- NBC weekend comedy show, for short
- NBC weekend comedy
- NBC TV inits.
- NBC staple since 1975
- NBC staple for nearly 30 years
- NBC skit show since '75
- NBC sketch comedy show for Murray and Murphy, for short
- NBC show with skits, in brief
- NBC show with sketches
- NBC show with satirical skits
- NBC show with Baba Wawa skits, briefly
- NBC show with Baba Wawa skits
- NBC show where Chase, Belushi, Radner et al. got their big breaks
- NBC show that launched many comics' careers
- NBC show that featured Janis Ian and Billy Preston as its first musical guests
- NBC show that ends Sun. morning in some time zones
- NBC show that did "Celebrity Jeopardy!" parodies
- NBC show that began its 35th season in Sep. 2009
- NBC series turning 30 in '05
- NBC satire series
- NBC revue
- NBC program since 1975
- NBC offering, in brief
- NBC offering, briefly
- NBC late-night comedy hit
- NBC inits.
- NBC hit starting in '75
- NBC hit since 1975
- NBC fixture for nearly 35 yrs.
- NBC debut of Oct. 1975
- NBC debut of 10/11/75
- NBC debut of '75
- NBC comedy showcase
- NBC comedy show since '75
- NBC comedy revue
- N.Y.-based comedy show
- Mr. Bill's outlet, once: Abbr.
- Mr. Bill's home, briefly
- Mr. Bill appeared on it: Abbr.
- Lorne Michaels's show, for short
- Lorne Michaels's NBC show
- Lorne Michaels' TV show
- Lorne Michaels' brainchild, for short
- Lorne Michaels show, for short
- Lorne Michael's program, for short
- Longtime TV inits.
- Longtime NBC staple
- Longtime NBC show
- Longtime NBC inits.
- Long-running sketch comedy show, for short
- Long-running NBC staple, for short
- Long-running NBC show, briefly
- Long-running NBC program
- Long-running NBC prog.
- Letters on Fey's résumé
- Late-night TV fare since 1975: abbr.
- Late-night TV fare since 1975
- Late night TV fare
- Kristen Wiig's old show, for short
- Kristen Wiig late-night show, briefly
- Kind of short
- Kenan Thompson's sketch show
- John Belushi was originally on it: Abbr.
- John Belushi venue, for short
- Janis Ian, Billy Preston and George Carlin were its first guests
- Its studio was built for the NBC Symphony in '37
- Its artists do many sketches, briefly
- It's associated with Chris Rock and 30 Rock
- It's 23 days older than GMA
- It launched E. Murphy's career
- It has a wkly. guest host
- Irreverent weekend show, briefly
- Irreverent TV hit
- Irreverent NBC show
- Irreverent NBC hit
- Inits. in TV comedy since 1975
- Inits. in TV comedy
- Initials for two Belushis
- Hit with skits, for short
- Hit with skits and bits
- Fred Armisen's show, for short
- Former Fey foray, familiarly
- Follower of weekend news, briefly
- Fallon's fmr. home
- Fall '75 TV debut
- Early gig for Chase and Belushi, for short
- Early Chevy vehicle?: abbr.
- Drew Barrymore hosted this show at age 7: Abbr.
- Dennis Miller's old show, initially
- Debut of 10/11/75, briefly
- Dan Aykroyd's old show, briefly
- Crystal work, once: Abbr.
- Conan O'Brien's employer from '88 to '91
- Comedy/variety show since '75
- Comedy/variety inits. since 1975
- Comedy show letters
- Collection of sketches, for short
- Chevy Chase's one-time show, briefly
- Chase/Belushi/Aykroyd venue, briefly
- Chase vehicle?: Abbr.
- Chase vehicle, briefly
- Chase scenes were once common here, informally
- Chase scenes were often seen during its broadcasts
- Chase scene producer, for short
- Casting source for some H'wood comedies
- Broadcast from Rockefeller Ctr.
- Birthplace of "Wayne's World," briefly
- Big inits. in TV comedy
- Big inits. in comedy
- Belushi's TV showcase
- Belushi venue, for short
- Aykroyd TV show
- Andy Samberg's show, for short
- Andy Samberg's show
- Andy Samberg's employer, briefly
- Amy Poehler hosted its first episode this season
- Amy Poehler gig, for short
- 30-year-old NBC show
- 1975 TV debut, briefly
- #10 of TV Guide's "50 Greatest Shows"
- "Weekend Update" show, familiarly
- "Weekend Update" prog.
- "TV Funhouse" show, for short
- "Studio 60" inspiration
- "Sloths" airer, briefly
- "Skittish" NBC offering?
- "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" show, for short
- "Mad TV" rival, for short
- "Mad TV" rival
- "Live from New York!" letters
- "Live from New York!" initials
- "Lazy Sunday" airer, briefly
- "Laser Cats" airer
- "Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney?" show, familiarly
- "Celebrity Jeopardy!" show, briefly
- "Bill Swerski's Superfans" show, for short
- "30 Rock" is loosely based on it, briefly
- "30 Rock" inspiration, for short
- "30 Rock" inspiration
- "... from New York!" show, briefly
- "___ Digital Shorts"
- ''Mad TV'' rival
- ''... from New York ...'' show, briefly
- ___ Digital Shorts (late-night comic bits)