Possible Questions:
- Bashful
- Reserved
- Far from forward
- Lacking
- Timid
- Short
- Light
- Quiet
- Demure
- Retiring
- Recoil
- Owing
- Shrink
- Distrustful
- Wanting
- Diffident
- Flinch
- Draw back
- Withdrawn
- Unassuming
- Like a wallflower
- Wary
- Skittish
- Reticent
- Self-effacing
- Like a shrinking violet
- Mousy
- Inclined to avoid the spotlight
- Hardly gregarious
- Short of
- Just short
- Reclusive
- Not forward
- Not bold
- Short, in a way
- Owing the pot
- Not open
- Far from a drama queen
- Deficient
- Unassertive
- Shrinking
- Not outgoing
- Like Bashful
- Hardly outgoing
- Easily frightened
- Wallflowerish
- Not camera-ready?
- Hardly forward
- Wary of people
- Wallflowery
- Unlikely to streak
- Unlikely to make the first move
- Unlikely to break the ice
- Uneffusive
- Uneasy around strangers
- Unable to pay
- Spotlight-avoiding
- Socially self-conscious
- Socially challenged
- Retiring partner?
- Reluctant to mingle
- Rear up
- Not likely to make the first move
- Not a people person
- Like wallflowers
- Like shrinking violets
- Lacking enough money
- Introverted
- Indebted to the pot, in poker lingo
- Hardly bold
- Averse to first moves, e.g.
- Averse to conversing
- A little short, as of money
- "Once bitten, twice ___"
- Wallflower-ish
- Unlikely to raise one's hand in class
- Unable to pay the full amount
- Still owing
- Slow to warm up
- Slow to mix, say
- Shunning the spotlight, maybe
- Short, as in a poker game
- Short at the poker table
- Self-conscious
- Reluctant to mix
- Reluctant to meet people, say
- Pointer Sisters "He's So ___"
- Once bitten, twice ___
- Not making eye contact, say
- Not likely to pose nude
- Not likely to pipe up
- Not big on social events, say
- Not at all forward
- Loath to mingle
- Likely to shrink
- Like many a wallflower
- Less than forward
- Leery of being noticed, maybe
- Lacking the required funds
- Lacking self-confidence
- Hesitant to ask that pretty girl to dance, say
- Hardly likely to streak
- Hardly extroverted
- Far from outgoing
- Extremely self-conscious
- Daphnean
- Averse to mingling
- Averse to first moves
- Acting tongue-tied
- A few bucks short
- "Too ___" (Kajagoogoo)
- ___ away from (avoid)