Possible Questions:
- Scold
- Hag
- Nag
- Shakespearean character
- Shakespearean title character
- Rodent
- Termagant
- Ill-tempered woman
- Harridan
- Virago
- Shakespearean heroine
- "The Taming of the ___"
- Smallest mammal
- Ill-tempered one
- Mouselike mammal
- Mouselike animal
- Harpy
- Xanthippe, e.g.
- Violent-tempered woman
- Mole relative
- Long-snouted mammal
- Nagging sort
- Nagger
- Hellcat
- Chronic nag
- Shakespeare's Kate
- Problem for Petruchio
- One "tamed" in Shakespeare
- Mouselike creature
- Molelike mammal
- Kate, to Petruchio
- Henpecking hag
- Woman with a temper
- Voracious little animal
- Twittering mammal
- Tiny carnivore
- Termagant; virago
- Small, voracious mammal
- Shakespeare's Katharina, for one
- Shakespeare's Katharina
- Shakespeare's Kate, e.g.
- Shakespeare's Kate for one
- Relative of a mole
- Petruchio's Katherina
- Petruchio's Kate, e.g.
- Petruchio's challenge
- Nocturnal insectivore
- Nagging woman
- Mouselike insectivore
- Mole's kin
- Katharina
- Kate, until Act V
- Kate of "Kiss Me, Kate," e.g.
- Headstrong woman, as in Shakespeare
- Cousin of a mole
- Constant needler
- Bard's Kate e.g.
- "The Taming of the __"