Possible Questions:
- Places
- Locations
- Resting places
- Part of a full house
- Ushers
- Reservations
- Chairs
- Accommodates
- Does an usher's job
- Theater units
- Rear ends
- Ottomans
- Installs in office
- Theater reservations
- Installs
- Theater features
- Tandem twosome
- Capitol Hill prizes
- Keisters
- Has capacity for
- Does ushering
- Accommodates, in a way
- You can take them or leave them
- What parties vie for
- Trouser parts
- Theater capacity
- Stadium row
- Settees and sofas
- Plane count
- People may be hired to fill them
- Mercy and love, for two
- Many are reserved
- House units
- Exchange places
- Bleachers' features
- Arena arrangement
- Works as an usher
- Try to fill all of them
- Train reservations
- Ticket entitlements
- They're sewn into pants
- Stock-exchange memberships
- Stadium fixtures
- Shows to a table
- Senators' holdings
- Senate spots
- Plane reservations
- Plane or train reservations
- Plane features
- Parts of a full house
- Part of a full house?
- Legislative memberships
- Holds, as an arena
- Holds, as a theater
- Emulates an usher
- Does some ushering
- Congressional spots
- Candidates' goals
- Butt abutters
- Bus units
- Bleachers, for example
- Bench warmers?
- Attendance capacity
- Acts as usher
- Accommodates, as an arena
- Yankee Stadium's 57,545
- Yankee Stadium's 57,145
- Works in aisles
- What students take
- What straphangers lack
- What some tickets are for
- What bands try to fill
- Two on the aisle
- Ticket details
- Ticket assignments
- They're on tickets
- They're often saved at the movies
- They may be taken or reserved
- They may be reserved
- They may be held for you
- They may be cheap or reserved
- Theater ticket holders' entitlements
- Theater necessity
- Theater fixtures
- Theater equipment
- Theater count
- Theater array
- Takes to a table, say
- Students take these
- Stock exchange buys
- Stadium capacity
- Some are cheap, some are reserved
- Some are cheap
- Sofas and chairs
- Senate posts
- Sellout's lack
- Sellout lack
- Rush-hour rarities on buses
- Rush-hour rarities
- Resting spots
- Prizes on the Hill
- Prizes at hit shows
- Political trophies?
- Places for some belts
- Pews
- Party prizes?
- Pants' parts
- Old Vic equipment
- Movie-house furniture
- Mercy and love are two?
- Mercy and love are two
- Love and mercy, e.g.
- Love and mercy e.g.
- Loge components
- Laps, perhaps
- Laps, at times
- It's nice to have floor ones
- Is a maître d' for, say
- Hot and driver's
- Holds, in a way
- Holds, as a stadium
- Holds, as a Hupmobile
- Hit-show prizes
- Has space for, as an auditorium
- Has space for
- Governmental centers
- Government centers
- Goals for musical chairs players
- Fixes in place
- Exchange memberships
- Election prizes
- Election goals
- Election Day goals
- Does ushering duty
- Does usher's work
- County offices
- Chairs etc.
- Chairs and stools
- Chairs and benches
- Broke fans sit in the cheap ones
- Boxoffice concerns
- Benches and chairs
- Barstools for example,
- Banana and rumble
- Airplane furniture
- Accommodates, as passengers