Possible Questions:
- Pouch
- Western Indian
- Cul-de-___
- Bag
- U. S. Indian
- Egg holder
- Anatomical pouch
- Cyst
- Algonquian Indian
- Algonquian
- U.S. Indian
- Animal pouch
- Indian of West
- An Amerind
- Algonquian tribe
- Marsupial pocket
- Pouchlike part
- Cul-de-__
- Kangaroo pouch
- Pollen holder
- Black Hawk was one
- Small pouch
- Military acronym
- Little pocket
- Indian tribe
- Black Hawk's tribe
- Amniotic ___
- Spider egg container
- Pouchlike structure
- Place for eggs
- Midwest Indian
- Fox's relative
- Baglike structure
- ___ fly
- Yolk encloser
- Small pocket
- Kind of fly, for short
- Cul-de- --
- Bodily pouch
- Wisconsin tribe
- U.S.A.F. group
- Plant pouch
- N.A. Indian
- Micmac's cousin
- Membranous pouch
- Flying group: Abbr.
- Bursa
- Body pouch
- ___ fly (RBI earner)
- ___ fly (baseball play)
- Spider's pouch
- Pocketlike structure, botanically
- Part of the U.S.A.F.
- Kin of the Fox
- Gallbladder, e.g.
- Fluid container
- Body bag?
- Bladder
- Biological pouch
- Biological pocket
- Biological container
- Biological cavity
- Baglike part
- Animal pocket
- Anatomical vesicle
- Anatomical egg holder
- Air Force acronym
- ___ fly (certain baseball hit, for short)
- Yolk ___ (egg part)
- Wisconsin Indian
- USAF unit
- Tribe related to the Fox
- Tribe allied with the Fox
- Pouch in the body
- Pocketlike structure
- Plate appearance that doesn't count as an AB
- Natural pouch
- Nation allied with the Fox
- Many a bunt, briefly
- Little pouch
- It may contain eggs
- Iowa Indian
- Fox's cousin
- Defense arm: Abbr.
- Curtis LeMay's command, briefly
- Cul-de-__ (dead end)
- Cold War USAF org.
- Certain bunt, on a scorecard
- Bunt, perhaps, on a scorecard
- Bunt, on a scorecard
- Botanical pouch
- Bomber plane org. from 1946 to 1992
- Bladderwort's organ
- Black Hawk's people
- Animal's pouch
- Anatomical container
- Anatomical bag
- ___ fly (RBI-scoring out)
- Van Morrison "Cul De ___"
- Utricle
- US military arm
- U.S.A.F. wing
- U.S.A.F. command
- U.S. group of fliers
- U.S. flying unit
- Theca
- The Kings, on the scoreboard
- The Kings of the NBA, on scoreboards
- Squid's ink holder
- Spore ___
- Spider's egg case
- Small animal pouch
- Site for spores
- Runner-advancing fly ball
- Relatives of the Fox
- RBI fly
- Power Balance Pavilion team, on scoreboards
- Pouchlike body part
- Pouch, to an anatomist
- Pouch-like structure
- Pouch-like part
- Pouch or Indian tribe
- Possum's pocket
- Pollen case
- Plat pouch
- Plant's pouchlike structure
- Plant cavity where pollen is produced
- Parisian bag
- Org. headed by LeMay
- Onetime tribe of the Upper Midwest
- One of Black Hawk's braves
- Omaha-based defense org.
- Omaha-based command
- Old USAF org.
- Old U.S.A.F. org.
- Nuclear defense grp.
- Nuclear defense acronym
- NORAD gp.
- Military inits., 1946-92
- Mil. defense grp.
- Mil. def. acronym
- Micmac's relative
- Membranous structure
- Marsupial pocket, e.g.
- Many a bunt, on a scorecard
- Many a bunt, for short
- Lemay's grp.
- Kind of fly, informally
- Kind of fly, in baseball (Abbr.)
- Kind of fly, for short, in baseball
- Kind of fly, briefly
- Kickapoo's kin
- Keokuk, for one
- Kangaroo's pouch, e.g.
- Kangaroo pouch, for one
- Kangaroo pouch, for example
- Kangaroo pocket, e.g.
- It might be filled with ink
- It holds a squid's "ink"
- Iowa county named for an Indian tribe
- Inside bag
- Ink __: octopus defense
- Indian of Iowa or Oklahoma
- Indian of Iowa or Okla.
- Illinois Indian
- Holder of eggs
- Grp. that oversees I.C.B.M.'s
- Give up a chess piece, for short
- Genesis "Cul-de-___"
- Fungus structure
- Fox dialect
- Former U.S. mil. acronym
- Former U.S. defense acronym
- Fluid-filled structure
- Fluid-filled container
- Fluid holder
- Flight arm: Abbr.
- Egg holder, of sorts
- Egg container, of sorts
- Eastern Woodlands native
- Dweller in Iowa or Oklahoma
- Doctor's bag?
- Defense org. until 1992
- Cul-de- ---
- Cul-de- ____
- Cul-de ___
- Corporeal case
- Cold war flying defense gp.
- Cold war defense gp. once headed by LeMay
- Coin worth a buck, for short
- Cephalopod's ink holder
- Cali city Tesla formed in (Abbr.)
- Bursa, for one
- Bunt on a scorecard, sometimes
- Bomber plane gp.
- Black Hawk, e.g.
- Biological enclosure
- Baseball scorecard abbr.
- Baglike cavity
- Baglike body part
- Bag, zoologically
- Baby roo's home for a time
- Anatomy class bag
- Anatomical enclosure
- Anatomic pouch
- An Okla. native
- Alveolus, e.g.
- Ally of the Fox tribe
- Algonquian-speaking people
- Algonquian from Wis.
- Air holder
- Air cell, e.g.
- Ab-Soul "Dub ___"
- AB that advances a runner, often
- ___ fly (run-scoring out)
- ___ fly (run-scoring out, briefly)
- ___ fly (run producer)
- ___ fly (RBI method)
- ___ fly (RBI getter)
- ___ fly (R.B.I. producer)
- __ fly: run-scoring out