Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Capek play
Sci-fi play from 1921
Capek classic
Man-versus-machine play of 1921
Capek drama
Play with robots
Karel Capek play
Play about robots
Robot play
Capek play about automatons
Capek opus
1921 sci-fi play
Robot drama
River in W. Germany
1921 Karel Capek play
Play that introduced the word "robot"
Play that introduced the term "robot"
Karel Capek drama
Czech play where the word "robot" came from
Classic Capek play
1920 play that takes place in a factory
Sci-fi play written in Czech
Sci-fi play of 1921
Sci-fi drama set at an island factory
Robotic melodrama
River in W Europe
Play that coined the word "robot"
Play by Karel Capek
Meuse feeder
Man-vs.-machine play
Man vs. machine Capek drama
Karel Capek sci-fi play
Karel Capek robot play
Karel Capek classic
Futuristic Capek play
Drama about robots
Czech play about robots
Classic Karel Capek play
Capek's classic
Capek work
Capek title
Break, of a sort
1921 play that gave us the word "robot"
1921 man-vs.-machine play
1920 Capek drama
Work by Karel Capek
Word-coining play
Whence the word "robot"
Visionary 1921 play
Visionary 1921 drama
Univ. robot
Sci-fi play that introduced "robot"
Sci-fi play of 1923
Sci-fi debut of 1921
Satirical play of 1921
Robots of literature
Robotic drama
Play with the first "robots"
Play with mechanical men
Play with machines
Play with automatons
Play that takes place in an artificial human factory
Play that introduced ''robot''
Play that gave us the word "robot"
Play that brought "robot" into the vocabulary
Play in which Spencer Tracy made his (nonspeaking) Broadway debut
Play from which the word "robot" comes
Play about androids
Noted 1921 play
Notable play of 1921
Marxist Karel Capek play
It premiered in Prague in 1921
Influential play for the genre of sci-fi
Futuristic pro-labor play
Futuristic play of 1921
Futuristic drama of 1921
Futuristic 20's play
Famous Czech play
Dystopian 1920 play
Düren's river
Drama of 1920
Czech sci-fi play
Czech play with robots
Czech play
Classic play whose title is an abbreviation
Classic 1921 play set partly in a factory
Capek's sci-fi drama
Capek's robot play
Capek's play
Capek's futuristic play
Capek's android
Capek robot drama
Capek play that introduced the word "robot"
Capek play about robots
Automaton-themed play of the 1920s
Automaton-themed play of 1921
Automaton drama
Asimov called it "bad . . . but it is immortal for that one word"
1921 robot play
1921 play written in Czech
1921 play that introduced the word "robot"
1921 play based on the Jewish Golem legend
1921 play about robots
1921 Capek play
1920 sci-fi play
1920 Czech drama about workers
1920 Capek play
"Black utopia" of 1920