Possible Questions:
- Regretful one
- Sorry sort
- Penitent
- Penitent one
- Penitent person
- Sorry one
- Remorseful one
- Sorry soul
- Repentant one
- One having second thoughts
- Who's sorry now?
- Person kicking himself, maybe
- One with regrets
- He's sorry now
- Hand wringer
- Contrite one
- Atoner
- Contrite person
- "Shoulda, woulda, coulda" thinker
- "Shoulda, woulda, coulda" one
- Regretful person
- Who's sorry now
- Sorry sort?
- Sorry fellow
- Sorrowful sort
- Regretter
- Regretful type
- Regretful sort
- One wishing for a real-life "undo" button?
- One who regrets
- One kicking oneself
- Wistful sort
- Sorry type
- Sorry person
- Repentent one
- Repentant sort
- Remorseful soul
- Regrets, he's had a few
- Person with regrets
- Penitent type
- Penance seeker
- One with second thoughts, say
- One with qualms
- One with a frown, perhaps
- One who's sorry
- One who's sadder and maybe wiser
- One who repents
- One who has regrets
- One feeling remorse
- Monday morning quarterback, often
- Monday morning quarterback, maybe
- Mirror breaker, perhaps
- He's so sorry
- He's a sorry sort
- He who regrets
- He feels remorse
- Disappointed one
- Contrite type
- Contrite fellow
- Confession participant, perhaps
- Casino visitor, often
- Bemoaner