Possible Questions:
- Mature
- Suitable
- Ready
- Matured
- Opportune
- Ready for picking
- Developed
- Ready for action
- Aged
- Mellow
- Ready to eat
- Ready for use
- Harvest-ready
- Smelly
- Ready to be picked
- Mellowed
- Stinky
- Ready to harvest
- Prime for picking
- Fully prepared
- Good and juicy
- Consummate
- Seasoned
- Ready to pick
- Fully grown
- Ready for plucking
- Ready to pluck
- Fully developed
- Auspicious
- No longer green
- Full-blown
- At fruition
- Timely
- Properly aged
- Ready for the picking
- Ready for harvest
- Pickable
- Mature, as fruit
- Stinking
- Ready for harvesting
- Fully matured
- Fit for picking
- Offensive-smelling
- Like old age?
- Like a yellow banana
- Ready to be plucked
- Ready for reaping
- It may precede old age
- Good enough to eat
- Full-fledged
- Very pluckable
- Red, as an apple
- Ready to eat, as fruit
- Ready for the reaper
- Ready for the pickin'
- Quite ready
- Pluckable
- Harvestable
- Fully ready
- Finished growing on the vine
- Between green and black, maybe
- Suitable for picking
- Red, perhaps
- Red, maybe
- Really smelly
- Ready to reap
- Ready to be harvested
- Ready to be eaten
- Ready enough
- Perfect for picking
- Not green
- No longer green, perhaps
- Mellow, as cheese
- Mature on the vine
- Like yellow bananas
- Like unwashed gym clothes
- Like edible fruit
- Like a red tomato
- Like a black olive
- In one's prime
- Good for eating
- Finally good enough to eat
- Entirely edible
- "Cherry ___," Herrick poem
- Yellow, as a banana
- What the time is, at times
- What an issue must be before a court
- Suitable for plucking
- Sufficiently aged
- Strong-smelling, say
- Stinky, as gym clothes
- Somewhat smelly
- Smelly, as underwear
- Smelly, as post-workout clothes
- Red, in many cases
- Red and juicy
- Ready, as a raspberry
- Ready to retrieve
- Ready on the vine
- Ready now
- Ready for the harvest
- Ready for the farm stand
- Ready (for)
- Rather smelly
- Pickable Ben Lee song?
- Old age preceder?
- Odoriferous, say
- Nubile, in a way
- Mature enough to harvest
- Like overused gym clothes
- Like many old gym socks
- Like a soft avocado
- Like a golden papaya
- Like a black blackberry
- Justiciable go-with
- In season
- Herrick's "Cherry-___"
- Herrick's "Cherry ___"
- Harvest ready
- Good enough to eat, in a way
- Fully red, as a raspberry
- Fully prepared (for)
- Fit for pickin'
- Finally edible
- Certain olives
- Between green and black, say
- Band ready for the big time
- Auspicious, as time
- At its best
- An adjective for old age
- About to be picked
- "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ___" (Joel)
- "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ___" (Joel 3:13)
- "Cherry-___," Herrick poem
- "Cherry ___," poem by Herrick