Possible Questions:
- Butler of fiction
- Scarlett's love
- Role for Clark
- Butler at Tara
- Butler
- Scarlett's Butler
- Gable's Butler
- Gable role
- Butler of note
- "Gone With the Wind" name
- Scarlett's suitor
- Mitchell's Butler
- Fictional Butler
- Butler of literature
- Butler of film
- "Gone With the Wind" character
- Scarlett's third husband
- One giving Scarlett a fever?
- Famous Butler
- Classic role for Clark
- Clark's Butler
- Clark role
- Butler who ended with "damn"
- Butler in an epic movie
- Butler in a Civil War epic
- Bonnie Blue's father
- Bonnie Blue's daddy
- Bonnie Blue's dad
- Bonnie Blue Butler's dad
- "Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief" speaker
- "I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands" speaker
- "And you, Miss, are no lady!" speaker
- Suave Butler
- Speaker of the "most memorable film quote ever," according to a 2005 poll
- Scarlett's third
- Scarlett's spouse
- Scarlett's mate
- Scarlett's man
- Scarlett's husband
- Scarlett admirer
- Scarlet's husband
- Part for Clark
- One of Clark's roles
- O'Hara's Butler
- Mitchell hero
- Mitchell character
- Love for Scarlett
- He said, "Frankly, my dear..."
- He had Scarlett fever
- He gave Scarlett fever?
- He didn't give a damn
- He didn't "give a damn"
- He could make Scarlett see red
- GWTW hero
- Friend of Scarlett
- Fictional blockade runner Butler
- Country singer-songwriter Akins
- Country singer Akins
- Clark's big role
- Clark's 1939 role
- Clark's "Gone With the Wind" role
- Clark Gable's Butler
- Captain Butler
- Butler who emerged in 1936
- Butler or actress in "G.W.T.W."
- Butler on a plantation
- Butler of book or film
- Butler of "Gone With the Wind"
- Butler of 'Gone With the Wind'
- Butler in a Civil War flick
- Butler in a best seller
- Butler in a 1936 book
- Butler from Charleston
- Bonnie Blue Butler's daddy
- Ashley's rival
- Alicia ___, actress in "G.W.T.W."
- "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how" speaker
- "Scarlett" character
- "GWTW" guy
- "Gone With The Wind" hero Butler
- "G.W.T.W." name
- "Frankly, my dear..." utterer
- ''And you, miss, are no lady!'' speaker