Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Take back
Go back
Weasel out
Go back on a promise
Break a promise
Fail to follow suit
Back out
Go back on one's word
Go back (on)
Back out (on)
Misplay at bridge
Go back on
Fail to keep a promise
Change one's tune
Break one's word
Weasel out (on)
Refuse to follow suit
Make a bridge error
Commit a gaffe at bridge
Call a spade a club?
Bridge gaffe
Back out of a deal
Not do as promised
Fail to keep one's word
Err at bridge
Cop out
Commit a gaffe in bridge
Commit a card sin
Change one's mind
Bridge problem
Bridge player's blunder
Bridge no-no
Break a bridge rule
Back out on a promise
Play the wrong suit
Play a card out of suit
Not adhere to promises
Misplay in pinochle
Make an error at bridge
Make a bridge slip
Make a boo-boo at bridge
Hearts irregularity
Goren goof
Goren gaffe
Go back on your word
Go back on a deal
Fail to keep your word
Fail to follow suit, in bridge
Fail to do as promised
Err at bridge, in a way
Don't follow through
Disappoint, in a way
Card table error
Bridge infraction
Bridge goof
Bridge boner
Bridge blunder
Break a rule in cards