Possible Questions:
- Called
- Pealed
- Summoned Jeeves
- Called up
- Tolled
- Summoned
- Phoned
- Telephoned
- Reverberated
- Resounded
- Summoned the butler
- Chimed
- "You ___?"
- Summoned, in a way
- Sounded
- Buzzed
- Used a doorbell
- Emulated Quasimodo
- Took its toll?
- Pushed the doorbell
- Jingled
- "You ___?" (butler's question)
- Went off
- Summoned Lurch
- Gave a buzz
- Went off, as a bell
- Sounded a bell
- "You ___?" (Lurch's question)
- Tolled, as a bell
- Resonated
- Sounded, as a doorbell
- Sounded, as a bell
- Pushed, as a doorbell
- Knelled
- Called the butler, in a way
- "You __?"
- "You ___?" (Lurch's query)
- Worked for Avon?
- Went off, in a way
- Used the doorbell
- Tried to reach
- Tried to contact
- Summoned, as the butler
- Summoned, as a servant
- Summoned the butler, e.g.
- Summoned help, possibly
- Sounded the bell
- Sounded the alarm
- Sounded a doorbell
- Sought entrance, in a way
- Reverberated (and good word for this puzzle)
- Pushed a doorbell
- Placed a call
- Made a jingle
- Jingled bells
- Heralded
- Called, in a way
- Called the butler
- "You ___?" (butler's line)
- __ a bell: was familiar
- What Tommy Tutone did to "Jenny"?
- What Jim Croce did to the operator?
- Went off, as an alarm
- Was resonant
- Was like a bell
- Ushered (in)
- Tried to get hold of
- Tried to get a hold of, in a way
- Tolled the bell
- Tinkled
- Telecommunicated
- Summoned, with "for"
- Summoned the maid
- Summoned staff, perhaps
- Summoned in a way
- Summoned help, maybe
- Struck on the hour
- Sounded, as an opening bell
- Sounded, as a phone
- Sounded the knell
- Signaled, in a way
- Signaled one's arrival
- Signaled for help
- Sent for Jeeves
- Seemed to be
- Resonated, as a bell
- Registered, with "up"
- Pushed the buzzer
- Pressed a doorbell
- Phoned or sounded a bell
- Lurch's line: ''You ___?''
- Hit the doorbell
- Hit the bell
- Gave a jingle
- Emulated the Avon lady
- Employed Ma Bell's princess
- Dropped a dime
- Did Quasimodo's job
- Clanged
- Charged, with "up"
- Caused to toll
- Called out on strikes, with "up"
- Called like the Avon lady
- Called by phone
- Bonged
- Announced or proclaimed, in a way
- "You __?": butler's question
- "You ___, sir?"
- "You _____?"