Possible Questions:
- Primps
- Dolls up
- Grooms
- Gussies up
- Dresses up
- Prettifies
- Spends time at the mirror
- Smooths ruffled feathers
- Smoothes one's feathers
- Overuses the mirror
- Lingers at the mirror, say
- Grooms carefully
- Fusses in front of a mirror, say
- Fusses in front of a mirror
- Acts foppish
- Uses a mirror
- Smooths one's feathers
- Shows pride in one's appearance
- Runs a bill through
- Prettifies oneself, as in a mirror
- Prepares for a prom, maybe
- Prepares for a portrait, perhaps
- Makes oneself smart
- Makes oneself appear smart
- Lingers at the mirror, e.g.
- Is foppish
- Hogs the mirror
- Grooms, as plumes
- Grooms, as feathers
- Grooms plumes
- Gets ready for a date, perhaps
- Fusses with feathers?
- Fusses over one's appearance
- Fusses by a mirror
- Fixes, as feathers
- Fixes feathers
- Exhibits self-satisfaction
- Emulates a peacock
- Dresses up fussily
- Doesn't rush in dressing
- Congratulates oneself
- Betrays excessive pride
- Acts like a peacock