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Possible Questions:
Salk vaccine target
Salk's conquest
Vaccine target
Dr. Salk's conquest
Salk's target
FDR affliction
F.D.R.'s affliction
Jonas E. Salk's target
Target of Salk's vaccine
Salk's study
Sabin's study
Largely eradicated disease
Jonas Salk's target
F.D.R.'s affliction
What Salk vaccine prevents
What Salk conquered
What Dr. Salk helped cure
Virus disease
Target of the Salk vaccine
Target of Salk and Sabin
Salk's foe
Salk's field
Salk's concern
Salk target
Salk foe
Salk cured us of it
Sabin vaccine target
Old disease
March of Dimes' original crusade
It struck F.D.R. in 1921
Former scourge
FDR's affliction
F.D.R. affliction
Dr. Salk's target: 1952–55
Dr. Salk's target
Dr. Sabin's target
Dr. Sabin's field
Dr. Sabin studied it
Challenge for F.D.R.
Bygone epidemic cause
Arthur C. Clarke's affliction
Ailment suffered by F.D.R.
Affliction FDR was diagnosed with