Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Wordsworth works
Romantic recitals
Browning bread source?
Sonnets and such
Pound pieces
Pope's work
Hallmark employee's output
Frost output
Frost creations
Works with measures
Works with feet?
Wordsworth creations
They can be narrative or lyrical
Sonnets and haikus
Rhymed verses
Limericks, for instance
Frost collection
Dickinson output
Bard's creations
Angelou works
Works with feet
Works from Donne and Bradstreet
Wilbur works
They're recited at a slam
They rhyme with reason
They often have good rhythm
They may be epic
Their feet don't walk
Stressful things?
Spenser selections
Sonnets and sestinas
Sonnet and sestina
Sonnet and haiku
Some are heroic
Rondels, e.g.
Rondeaux, e.g.
Romantic recitations
Robert W. Service output
Robert Frost works
Prior works
Pound products
Pope's writings
Pope's output
Pope's oeuvre
Odes and idylls
Neruda works
Millay products
Metric system output?
Metered works
Maya Angelou works
Masters pieces
Mash note fodder
Kilmer output
It could be verse
Haiku and sonnet
Haiku and senryu, e.g.
Greeting-card reading
Greeting-card lines
Frost's lines
Frost products
Frost collection?
e.e. cummings works
Donne's gift to posterity
Donne deeds
Couplets and quatrains
Clerihew and idyll
Burns works
Burns bread and butter?
Bob Dylan's songs, to some
Bishop or Pope's output
Anthology items
Anthology entries
"Trees" and others
"Eulalie" and "Ulalume"
"___ are made by fools . . . "
''The Raven'' and ''Annabel Lee''