Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Small bird
Little hooter
Young hooter
Forest fledgling
Baby hooter
Young bird
Barn baby
Young bird of prey
Young hooting bird
Baby screecher
Baby bird
Avian baby
Wee hooter
Small hooter
Baby boobook
Nocturnal newborn
Young barn bird
One who hardly gives a hoot?
Immature hooter
Big-eyed baby
Baby bird of prey
Baby barn bird
Young night hunter
Wise youngster?
One hardly giving a hoot?
Little screecher
Little hooting bird
It gives a little hoot
It doesn't give much of a hoot!
Certain baby bird
Barn young 'un
Barn newcomer
Barn nestling
Baby with big eyes
Youngster with disproportionately large eyes
Youngster who's up all night
Young but wise bird
Young boobook
Young "wise one"
Wise baby?
Small, wise bird
Small bird of prey
Screeching baby
Nocturnal newcomer
Nocturnal fledgling
Night flier to be
Newly hatched hooter
Newborn with big eyes
Miniature hooter
Little wise one
Little wise guy?
Little wise bird
Little bird of prey
Little barn bird
Junior hooter
Itty-bitty screecher
It barely gives a hoot
Infant hooter
Immature raptor
Hooting baby bird
Hooter's young
Hooter's hatchling
Hooter's chick
He can hardly give a hoot
Chick that gives a hoot
Certain screecher's offspring
Certain fledgling
Bird that's probably not wise and certainly not old
Bird of the night
Bird of prey-to-be
Big cheese following the East Run (6)
Baby that gives a hoot
Baby bird that hoots
Apprentice night stalker