Possible Questions:
- Vein contents
- Mine finds
- Seam contents
- Miner's quest
- Rock group
- Mine output
- Tramcar contents
- Rocks
- Mine yield
- Metal sources
- Metallic rocks
- Raw minerals
- Mineral deposits
- Tram loads
- Minerals
- Metal-in-the-rough
- Raw rocks
- Smelter input
- Mineral sources
- Mined-over matter
- Mined material
- Mined matter
- Assay materials
- Valuable rocks
- Mine extracts
- Raw material
- Metal containers
- Lode loads
- Loads from lodes
- Valuable deposits
- Rock group?
- Smeltery input
- Rocks that are mined
- Raw metals
- Raw materials
- Galena and bauxite
- Cinnabar, taconite, etc.
- Mine rocks
- Bauxite and galena
- Tram contents
- They're found in veins
- They're found in pockets and seams
- Mined materials
- Mine yields
- Mine deposits
- Metals in the rough
- Lode contents
- Blast furnace input
- Unrefined finds
- Some bank deposits
- Rough stuff
- Miners' finds
- Miner profits?
- Mined rocks
- Mine products
- Metals in rocks
- Assayers' stuff
- Assayers' samples
- They're found in lodes
- They need refinement
- They could use some refinement
- Rock groups?
- Prospectors' finds
- Lode deposits
- Hematite and galena
- Buried treasures
- Bonanza finds
- Bauxite and others
- Assayer's samples
- Vein yields
- Unrefined metals
- Sourdough's find
- Seamy stuff?
- Rock groups
- Pitchblende and bauxite
- Natural resources
- Miner's quarry
- Mined-over matter?
- Metals
- Metal-yielding rocks
- Metal deposits
- Gold and silver, e.g.
- Diggings
- Valuable veins
- Underground treasures
- Underground deposits
- Tramcar loads
- Smeltery material
- Smelted substances
- Refinement targets
- Prill and mispickel
- Mineral rocks
- Miner matters
- Mined stuff
- Metallurgist's raw materials
- Hematite and malachite
- Groundbreaking discoveries?
- Gold holders
- Cobaltite and mispickel
- Bauxite and stibnite
- Bank deposits
- Assayer's studies
- Vein stuff
- Underground discoveries
- Tram car fillers
- Things gathered in lodes
- They're unrefined
- They're mined and refined
- They're in need of refinement
- They're found in pockets
- They may be found in prospectors' sectors
- They lack refinement
- They have lodes of value
- Stuff to smelt
- Sources of iron
- Smelters' raw materials
- Smelter's stuff
- Smelter loads
- Rocks with metal
- Rocks to refine
- Rock bands?
- Pyrite and galena
- Natural substances
- Native minerals
- Native metals
- Mining samples
- Mining products
- Mineral bearers
- Miner's finds
- Miner concerns
- Mined metals
- Mined finds
- Mine outputs
- Mine extractions
- Mine extraction
- Mica and mispickel
- Metal-bearing minerals
- Metal containers?
- Mesabi yield
- Magnetite and others
- Lodes
- Lode finds
- Iron and bauxite
- Galena and limonite
- Galena and hematite
- Galena and cinnabar
- Diggers' discoveries
- Cinnabar et al.
- Cinnabar and galena
- Blende and prill
- Youthmovies song about mining finds?
- You can dig 'em
- Wulfenite and cinnabar
- Veins' contents
- Vein pursuits
- Vein extractions
- Underground rock?
- Tramcars' contents
- Tram loads, often
- They're the reason we search in vein?
- They're mined for metal
- They're found in the ground
- They're dug for
- They might have lead parts
- They could use refinement
- They come out at the seams
- They can be refined
- Sources of silver
- Some search for these in vein?
- Some raw materials
- Some natural resources
- Smeltery needs
- Smeltery materials
- Rock bands of a sort
- Rich rocks
- Refinery rocks
- Refinery fodder
- Quarry material
- Precious metals
- Placer materials
- Placer material
- Nasties
- Mispickel and bauxite, e.g.
- Mining finds
- Miners' quests
- Miners' quarries
- Miner matters?
- Mined minerals
- Mine materials
- Metals-in-the-rough
- Metals from the earth
- Metal refinery input
- Metal bearers
- Mesabi Range yield
- Magnetite et al.
- Lucky strikes?
- Lodes' output
- Lode yields
- Lode stones
- Lode rocks
- Iron containers
- Holders of buried treasures
- Hidden treasures
- Galena and prill
- Galena and mispickel, e.g.
- Galena and bauxite, for two
- Finds in mines
- Feldspar and others
- Crude metals
- Cinnabars, e.g.
- Cinnabar, etc.
- Cinnabar and tinstone
- Cinnabar and manganite
- Cinnabar and bauxite, e.g.
- Cinnabar and bauxite
- Certain bank deposits
- Bonanza discoveries
- Bauxite et al.
- Bauxite and stibnite, e.g.
- Bauxite and cinnabar
- Assayers assay them
- Assayed materials
- An anagram for rose
- An anagram for "rose"
- Wolframite et al.
- Volcano deposits
- Vein's glories?
- Vein pursuits?
- Valuable finds underground
- Untreated metals
- Unrefined materials
- Unrefined deposits
- Unmined minerals
- Unearthed assets
- Underground sources of income
- Tram fillers
- Tinstones
- Things tunnelers look for
- Things picked out of the earth
- They're taken out of ranges
- They're struck
- They're removed via shafts
- They're often unearthed
- They're often lying in beds
- They're of miner concern
- They're not refined
- They're mined, I tell ya!
- They're in veins
- They're in vein
- They're found in streaks
- They're found in rock bands
- They're found in prospectors' sectors
- They're found in layers
- They're dug out of the ground
- They're discovered in vein?
- They're all mined
- They may need refining
- They may hold the lead
- They may hold gold
- They may be refined
- They may be picked out
- They may be driven to extraction
- They get picked out
- These may produce speiss
- These can be found in pockets
- Taconite, etc.
- Taconite and tinstone
- Sulfur and bauxite
- Subsurface finds
- Substances in seams
- Subjects of assays
- Stuff to be mined
- Stuff in the rough
- Strikes that please mine owners
- Stibnite and wolframite
- Stibnite and galena
- Stibnite and bornite
- Sphalerite and tantalite, for two
- Sources of nickel, e.g.
- Sources of metals
- Sources of metal
- Sources of iron and manganese
- Sources of gold, e.g.
- Sought-after rock group?
- Some tram loads
- Some train cargoes
- Some rocks
- Some have a silver lining
- Some extracts
- Some are high-grade
- Smelting substances
- Smeltery stocks
- Smeltery piles
- Smeltery fodder
- Smelters' needs
- Smelter substances
- Smelter stockpiles
- Smelter materials
- Silver holders
- Silver containers
- Siderite and uraninite
- Siderite and tinstone
- Siderite and mispickel
- Seams' contents
- Seam materials
- Rush finds
- Rush discoveries
- Rocks of high value
- Rock discoveries
- Rhodochrosite and orpiment, e.g.
- Refinery inputs
- Refinery deliveries
- Refined matters
- Refined finds
- Refinable rocks
- Realgar and autunite
- Raw metals, e.g.
- Quarry finds
- Quarry deposits
- Pyrite and stibnite
- Pyrite and siderite
- Pyrite and pitchblende
- Pyrite and bauxite
- Prospectors' quests
- Prospectors' prizes
- Prospectors' objectives
- Prospectors' goals
- Prospectors quarry
- Prill and stibonite
- Prill and cinnabar
- Power shovel excavations
- Pitchblende et al.
- Pitchblende and tinstone
- Pitchblende and cinnabar
- Pitchblende and cassiterite, for two
- Pitchblende and cassiterite
- Panners' finds
- Paco and galena
- Ones in need of refinement
- One finds them in mines
- Natural combinations of minerals
- Native lodes
- Molybdenite and galena
- Molybdenite and cinnabar, e.g.
- Mispickels
- Minnesota exports
- Mining take
- Mines' output
- Mines finds
- Miners dig them
- Minerals in stores?
- Mineralogists' study
- Mineralogists' samples
- Mineralogist's sample set
- Mineralogical deposits
- Miner's discoveries
- Miner's collection
- Miner samples
- Miner finds
- Mined-over matters
- Mined things
- Mine lines
- Mine findings
- Mine car fillers
- Mill materials
- Meteor materials
- Metals in the raw
- Metals from lodes
- Metallurgy samples
- Metallurgists' supplies
- Metallurgists' studies
- Metallurgist's stock
- Metallic Youthmovies song?
- Metal-filled rocks
- Metal-bearing rocks
- Metal-bearers
- Metal protectors
- Metal detectors' finds?
- Mesabi products
- Mesabi merchandise
- Mesabi loads
- Manganese and malachite
- Malachite, etc.
- Malachite and others
- Malachite and mispickel
- Malachite and manganese
- Malachite and galena
- Malachite and bauxite
- Magnetites
- Magnetite and malachite
- Lucrative diggings
- Lucrative deposits
- Lucky strikes
- Lodes' loads
- Loads found in lodes
- Loads for freighters
- Limnite and hematite
- Leadville find
- Kokomo intakes
- Jacutinga and tinstone
- Jacutinga and galena
- Iron sources
- Iron and copper, e.g.
- Ingot ingredients
- Ilmenite and uraninite
- Ilmenite and cuprite
- Ilmenite and chalcopyrite
- Hematite, galena, etc.
- Hematite and manganite
- Hematite and cinnabar, e.g.
- Hematite and bauxite
- Graded materials
- Gold or silver sources
- Golconda products
- Geologists' concerns
- Gemstone sources
- Galena et al.
- Galena and wolframite
- Galena and pyrites
- Galena and pyrite
- Galena and others
- Galena and mispickel
- Galena and malachite
- Galena and magnetite
- Galena and hematite, e.g.
- Galena and cuprite
- Galena and beryl, for two
- Forty-niners' quests
- Flashes in some pans
- Finds in bonanzas
- Filthy lucre sources?
- Extracted valuables
- Earth yields
- Digger's finds
- Cuprite and tinstone
- Cuprite and limonite
- Cuprite and limnite
- Cuprite and cinnabar
- Crude minerals
- Crops of the pick?
- Copper containers
- Copper and iron
- Contents of veins
- Contents of trams
- Contents of some ledges
- Contents of some deposits
- Contents of lodes
- Columbite and galena
- Columbite and cuprite
- Claim valuables
- Claim findings
- Cinnebar and bauxite
- Cinnabar and pyrite
- Cinnabar and mispickel
- Cinnabar and hematite
- Cinnabar and barite
- Cinnabar and azurite
- Cassiterite et al.
- Candidates for refinement
- Buried treasures?
- Bornite and stibnite
- Bornite and limnite
- Bornite and cinnabar
- Borax and bauxite, e.g.
- Borax and bauxite
- Bonanzas' yields
- Bedrock deposits
- Bauxites
- Bauxite, etc.
- Bauxite and taconite
- Bauxite and siderite
- Bauxite and prill
- Bauxite and mispickel
- Bauxite and hematite
- Bauxite and columbite, e.g.
- Bauxite and cinnabar, e.g.
- Bauxite and chromite
- Bauxite and bornite
- Bauxite and borax, e.g.
- Bauxite and borax
- Bauxite et al.
- Bank deposits, maybe
- Azurite and cuprite, e.g.
- Assaying samples
- Assayers' subjects
- Assayer's concerns
- Assayable substances
- Arsenopyrite and feldspar
- Adit pass-throughs