Possible Questions:
- United
- Flat
- Joined
- Wed
- Joined together
- Linear
- Like a line, briefly
- Wedded
- Consolidated
- Linear, for short
- Lacking depth
- Lacking width and depth
- Having only length, briefly
- Linear, briefly
- Lacking depth, briefly
- Flat, for short
- Like a line, for short
- Lacking width and depth, briefly
- Came first
- Aced
- Without width or depth
- Without depth
- Superficial, for short
- Superficial, briefly
- Strictly linear
- Linear: abbr.
- Linear, unlike holographic images
- Linear, to a mathematician
- Linear, in brief
- Line-like
- Like the x-, y- or z-axis
- Like the x- or y-axis
- Like lines, briefly
- Like axes, briefly
- Like a line, to a math student
- Like a line, to a math prof
- Like a line, in math
- Like a line, in brief
- Like a line segment, briefly
- Lacking width and depth, for short
- Lacking height or depth, for short
- Lacking height and depth
- Lacking depth and width
- Lacking depth and scope, briefly
- Having only length
- Having no width or depth
- Having no depth, in brief
- Going along the line, briefly?