Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
In base 8
Based on the number eight
Based on eight
Of base 8
In base eight
Base eight system
Of base eight
Like base eight
Eight-line stanza
Relating to eight
Expressed in base eight
Based on base eight
Base 8
Using base 8
Pertaining to base 8
Of the number eight
Number system in which 64 is 100
Having half as many digits as hex
Base-eight system
Base eight
Written in base-8
Using the numerals 0 through 7
Using the digits 0-7
Using only 0 through 7
Related to base eight
Of number eight
Of eight
Of a group of eight
Of a certain number system
Number system in which 8 is 10
Notation used for Unix permissions
Like the number system in which 77 + 1 = 100
Like the base-8 number system
Like some number systems
Like some early computer number systems
Like some computer encoding systems
Like numbers in a base that doesn't use 8s or 9s
Like base 8
Like a certain number system
Like a certain computer number system
Having eight pins, as an electrical connection
Having an eight base
Binary alternative
Based on the number 8
Based on base 8
Based on 8