Possible Questions:
- Bikini event
- Blast from the past
- Bikini blast, briefly
- Bikini blast
- It's a blast
- Explosive experiment
- SALT subject
- Explosive trial
- Big bang creator
- 1998 headline event in India
- SALT concern
- Modern treaty violation
- H-bomb trial, e.g.
- Bikini experiment, for short
- Big blowup, for short
- Big blast
- Atomic bomb trial, briefly
- Mushroom producer, for short
- Mushroom cloud creator, briefly
- Mil. trial
- Intentional nuclear blast
- Desert trial
- 2006 N. Korea announcement
- Weapon's dry-run
- Protested event, briefly
- Protested event
- Explosive trial, briefly
- Bikini experiment, briefly
- Bikini event, briefly
- Big bomb trial, briefly
- Big blast, briefly
- A-bomb trial
- Weapons check, in brief
- Underground experiment, for short
- Underground experiment, briefly
- Underground event
- Underground blast, perh.
- Treaty subject, for short
- Subject of the 2005 opera "Doctor Atomic"
- Source of some mushrooms
- Provocative military move, briefly
- Protested event, for short
- Producer of a large mushroom
- Nervous-making event in N. Korea
- N. Korean first of 10/9/2006
- Mushroom producer?
- Mushroom cloud producer, in brief
- Military trial, briefly
- Military experiment, perhaps
- Military experiment, briefly
- Late 1940s event, in headlines
- It's atoll order
- India's first one took place in 1974
- Headline event in India in 1974 and '98
- H-bomb trial, for one
- Explosive trial, for short
- Explosive display of military power, for short
- Experimental bomb blast, briefly
- Event that might cause sanctions: Abbr.
- Event outlawed by intl. treaty
- Event monitored by the CIA
- Event drawing intl. criticism
- Eniwetok blast, briefly
- Desert trial, for short
- Demonstration of firepower, briefly
- Cloud producer, for short
- Cause of an intl. incident, maybe
- Bygone explosion, in headlines
- Brief blowup, in "Big"
- Big mushroom producer
- Big loud display of power
- Big bomb trial
- Big blowout?
- Banned blast, for short
- Atomic event, in headlines
- Atoll order?
- A-blast from the past
- 2006 event in North Korea, briefly