Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Weeper of myth
Mythical weeper
Daughter of Tantalus
Mournful mother of myth
Zeus turned her to stone
Weeper of mythology
Tearful one
Tantalus's daughter
Weeper of Greek myth
Greek weeper
Crier of Greek myth
Zeus turned her into stone
Weeping woman of myth
Weeping stone figure
Weeping statue of myth
Weeper turned to stone
Tearful queen
She was turned into a weeping statue
Queen of Thebes
Mythical queen of Thebes
Classical weeper
Amphion's wife
Zeus changed her into stone
Woman turned into a weeping stone, in Greek myth
Wife of Amphion
Whom Turkey's Weeping Rock is said to represent
Weepy one
Weeping mother of myth
Weeping daughter of Tantalus
Weeper of Thebes
Weeper of Greek mythology
Turned to stone by Zeus, she wept
Tragic figure in Greek myth
Teary queen
Teary one
Tearful wife of Amphion
Tearful Queen of Thebes
Tearful one of myth
Tearful Olympian
Tearful mother
Tantalus's weeping daughter
Tantalus' daughter
Sorrowing figure
Sob sister?
Queen whose pride Leto could not abide
Queen for whom an element is named
Queen changed into stone
Petrified weeper of myth
Mythological weeper
Mythological Theban with a chemical element named after her
Mythical woman of tears
Mourning mother of myth
Mother who was "all tears"
Leto's taunter
Legendary weeper
Legendary lamenter
Legendary Greek mother
Lachrymose lady
Grief-stricken mother of myth
Eponym of element 41
Epitome of sadness
Element #41 is named after her
Daughter of Tantalus who was turned to stone
Crier of mythology
A queen of Thebes
A daughter of Dione
"Like __, all tears ...": Hamlet
"Like ___, all tears": Shak.
"Like ___, all tears": Hamlet
"Like ___, all tears"