Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Michelangelo masterpiece
Biblical patriarch
Heston role
He took two tablets
Exodus figure
Charlton Heston role
Role for Heston
Painting Grandma
Law man?
Grandma of art
Famous Grandma
Noted Charlton Heston role
Law man
Exodus hero
Asch book
Ancient lawgiver
Aaron's brother
Red Sea parter
Noted Grandma
Malone of the 76ers
Hoopster Malone
He had a big part in the Old Testament
Grandma ___, American folk artist
Exodus VIP
Exodus leader
Decalogue recipient
Decalogue deliverer
Commandments recipient
Commandments bearer
Centenarian artist
Biblical leader
Biblical lawgiver
Artistic Grandma
"___ supposes his toeses are roses"
''Sugaring Off'' artist
Ten Commandments recipient
Ten Commandments obtainer
Television guru Znaimer
Taker of two tablets
Tablets toter
Tablet smasher
Tablet bearer
Subject of a Michelangelo sculpture
Storied baby in a basket
Son-in-law of Jethro
Sinai leader
Sinai lawgiver
Role for Charlton Heston
Robert or Grandma
Recipient of two tablets
Purported Pentateuch penner
Prophet raised as a prince
Pharaoh tale prince
Pentateuch author, traditionally
Painter compared with Bruegel
One ordered to take two tablets
One of Charlton's many sans-pants parts
One advised to take two tablets
Michelangelo sculpture on a biblical subject
Memorable Heston role
Memorable Charlton Heston role
Mel Brooks role in "History of the World, Part I"
Malone of the N.B.A
Long-lived folk artist
Leading man in Exodus
Law recipient
Interviewee on Mt. Sinai
Husband of Zipporah
Hurdler Edwin
Hebrew deliverer
He led the Israelites through the parted Red Sea
Great Grandma
Grandma with a paintbrush
Grandma of note
Grandma ___
Golden-calf destroyer
Folk artist Grandma
Figure who listened to a burning bush
Figure who encountered a burning bush
Climber of Mount Sinai
City planner Robert
Charlton Heston role of 1956
Brother of Aaron
Book by Sholem Asch
Biblical Law giver
Biblical law deliverer
Biblical deliverer
Baby in the bulrushes
Ancient law man
American folk artist
Adoptee in Genesis
Actor Gunn
1956 Heston role
1956 Charlton Heston role
"Sugaring Off" painter
"Sugaring Off" artist Grandma ___
"Power Broker" subject