Possible Questions:
- Catchall abbr.
- Catchall category (Abbr.)
- Catchall abbreviation
- Catchall category: Abbr.
- Uncategorized (Abbr.)
- File sect.
- Odds and ends: Abbr.
- Assorted: Abbr.
- Varied: Abbr.
- Other: Abbr.
- File drawer abbr.
- This and that: Abbr.
- Sundry: Abbr.
- Potpourri: Abbr.
- Common file name
- Category for everything else: abbr.
- Catchall category, briefly
- Various: Abbr.
- Others, for short
- Odds-and-ends abbreviation
- Not fitting a category, briefly
- Last category, usually
- Label on a bin of unsortable items: abbr.
- Junk drawer label
- I.R.S. form 1099-___
- Grab bag abbr.
- Etc. category
- Category for odds and ends (abbr.)
- "Random" abbr. on a moving box
- "Everything else" filing category (Abbr.)
- Various and sundry: abbr.
- Uncategorizable (Abbr.)
- Storage file tab abbreviation
- Olio: Abbr.
- Not otherwise classified (Abbr.)
- Not otherwise categorized (Abbr.)
- Nonspecific filing abbr.
- Like items in a junk drawer: Abbr.
- Leftover category: Abbr.
- Last budget category, usually: Abbr.
- Label on a file drawer
- Junk drawer abbr.
- Hodgepodge: Abbr.
- Heterogeneous: abbr.
- Grab-bag category: Abbr.
- Grab-bag abbr.
- Grab bag: Abbr.
- Grab bag category: Abbr.
- Filing cabinet abbr.
- File-drawer label
- File-drawer abbr.
- File abbr.
- Everything-else category: Abbr.
- Everything-else category, briefly
- Everything-else category (Abbr.)
- Diversified (abbr.)
- Common file folder abbr.
- Common file abbr.
- Category for everything else, briefly
- Catchall: Abbr.
- Catchall wd.
- Catchall file label: abbr.
- Catchall file abbr.
- Catchall cat.
- Catch-all category (Abbr.)
- Catalogue abbr.
- Assorted, shortened
- Assorted, briefly
- Assorted (abbr.)
- All the rest: Abbr.
- Abbr. for odds and ends
- Abbr. for a potÂpourri
- A category in a file: Abbr.
- "Other" category: Abbr.
- "Other" category, briefly
- "Other" category (Abbr.)
- "Everything else" filing category: Abbr.
- "Everything else" abbr.
- ''Other'' category, briefly