Possible Questions:
- Hurdle for a future atty.
- Future atty.'s exam
- Aspiring atty.'s exam
- Future atty.'s hurdle
- ABA-related exam
- Future J.D.'s hurdle
- E.T.S. offering
- Atty.-to-be's exam
- Future DA's exam
- Future D.A.'s exam
- Coll. senior's exam
- Exam for some college srs.
- Aspiring atty's exam
- Would-be atty.'s hurdle
- Future atty.'s challenge
- Future attorney's exam: Abbr.
- Exam for future attys.
- Would-be atty.'s exam
- Future attorney's exam, briefly
- Exam for an atty.-to-be
- Exam for a would-be atty.
- Aspiring atty.'s hurdle
- Major event for a law student
- Future D.A.'s hurdle
- Exam for some srs.
- Exam for an aspiring D.A.
- College exam
- Atty.-to-be's challenge
- Would-be lawyer's exam
- Would-be DA's worry
- Would-be D.A.'s hurdle
- Wannabe attorney's hurdle
- Test of reasoning skills
- Test for Perry Mason wannabes
- Step to a JD
- Some srs.' source of stress
- Maj. event for a law student
- J.D. exam
- Its scores range from 120 to 180
- It's taken by some coll. seniors
- Hurdle for an atty.-to-be
- Hurdle for an aspiring atty.
- Hurdle for a future litigator (Abbr.)
- Future jurist's exam, for short
- Future attorney's hurdle, for short
- Future attorney's exam
- Exam with an "arguments" section
- Exam with a logic games sect.
- Exam scored between 120 and 180
- Exam for future JDs
- Exam for an aspiring atty.
- Exam for a would-be DA
- Exam for a wannabe atty.
- Exam for a future DA
- Exam before the bar
- D.A.-to-be's hurdle
- D.A.-to-be's exam
- Bar aspirant's hurdle, briefly
- Aspiring J.D.'s exam
- Aspiring DA's hurdle
- Aspiring DA's exam
- Aspiring attys.' exam
- Aspiring atty. exam
- Would-be One L's hurdle
- Would-be lawyer's exam (Abbr.)
- Would-be JD's exam
- Would-be J.D.'s hurdle
- Would-be J.D.'s exam
- Would-be D.A.'s exam
- Would-be attorney's exam (abbr.)
- Wannabe prosecutor's exam
- Wannabe atty.'s challenge
- The D.A. probably took it once
- Test with a perfect possible score of 180
- Test for future attys.
- Test for a future atty.
- Test for a future ABA member
- Steppingstone for a future JD
- Step toward a JD
- Some srs. take it
- Some college srs. take it
- Some coll. seniors take it for Harvard and Yale, but not for Princeton
- Some coll. seniors take it
- Reqmt. for certain graduate studies
- Relative of an M.C.A.T. or G.R.E.
- Quarterly half-day exam
- Professional school hurdle: Abbr.
- Prelaw req.
- Pre-bar letters
- Potential atty.'s exam
- Obstacle for an aspiring D.A.
- Law sch. exam
- Kind of score, for one doing postgrad studies
- Kaplan course subj.
- J.D.-to-be's hurdle
- J.D.-to-be's exam
- J.D. wannabe's exam
- Its scores range from 120 to 180: Abbr.
- Its score scale is 120 to 180
- Its max. score is 180
- Its highest score is 180 (abbr.)
- Its highest possible score is 180: Abbr.
- Its highest possible score is 180
- It might give you legal problems: Abbr.
- It includes an analytical reasoning sect.
- It includes a sect. of logic games
- It has five 35-minute sections
- It has ''arguments'' and ''logic games'' sections
- Hurdle for some seniors
- Hurdle for some college srs.
- Hurdle for prospective JDs
- Hurdle for lawyers-to-be
- Hurdle for future DAs
- Hurdle for future attys.
- Hurdle for attorney wannabes (abbr.)
- Hurdle for an aspiring J.D.
- Hurdle for a would-be Esq.
- Hurdle for a would-be atty.
- Hurdle for a future litigator: Abbr.
- Hurdle before the bar (abbr.)
- Harvard and Yale drafted the first one for 1948
- Half-day exam, briefly
- Half-day exam given four times a yr.
- Grad. sch. exam
- Future prosecutor's exam: Abbr.
- Future One-L's test
- Future lawyer's hurdle: Abbr.
- Future lawyer's exam (abbr.)
- Future J.D.'s obstacle
- Future J.D.'s exam
- Future DA's hurdle
- Future atty's exam
- Future atty.Â’s exam
- Future attorney's hurdle: Abbr.
- Future attorney's exam, for short
- Four-times-a-yr. test
- Exam with two logical reasoning sections: Abbr.
- Exam with six 35-minute sections
- Exam with sections known as "arguments," for short
- Exam with logical and analytical reasoning sections: Abbr.
- Exam with analytical reasoning questions
- Exam with an unscored section
- Exam with a score range of 120 to 180
- Exam with a reading comprehension section, for short
- Exam with a max. score of 180
- Exam whose median score is 150
- Exam that largely measures reasoning skills: abbr.
- Exam given four times a year
- Exam for would-be attys.
- Exam for would-be attys
- Exam for would-be atty.
- Exam for many a college sr.
- Exam for future J.D.'s
- Exam for future attorneys: Abbr.
- Exam for college srs.
- Exam for attys.-to-be
- Exam for aspiring attys.
- Exam for an aspiring J.D.
- Exam for an aspiring Esq.
- Exam for A.B.A.-approved schools
- Exam for a wannabe D.A.
- Exam for a prospective atty.
- Exam for a poli sci major
- Exam for a future D.A.
- Exam for a future atty.
- Exam for a budding atty.
- Exam Ally McBeal would have had to take, were she real
- Exam administered qtly.
- Exam administered four times a yr.
- College sr.'s exam, perhaps
- Coll. senior's exam, perhaps
- Challenge in "Legally Blonde," for short
- Challenge for an atty.-to-be
- Certain graduate study hurdle: Abbr.
- Bar candidate's exam, briefly
- Bar aspirantÂ’s hurdle
- Bar aspirant's hurdle
- Bar aspirant's exam, briefly
- Attorney-to-be exam (Abbr.)
- Aspiring public defender's exam: Abbr.
- Aspiring law stud.'s exam
- Aspiring DA's hurdle in college
- Aspiring atty.'s challenge
- Aspiring attorney's hurdle (abbr.)
- Aspiring attorney's exam (abbr.)
- Aspiring attorney's exam
- Aspiring att.'s exam
- A perfect score on it is 180: Abbr.
- 180 is its max. score