Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
Speaks like Daffy Duck
Speech impediments
Speech defects
Talks like Daffy Duck
Talks like Daffy
Speech problems
Uncoventional sibilations
Thpeakth like thith
Talkth like thith
Suffers through sibilants
Speech troubles
Speech therapist's concerns
Speech difficulties
Speaks with a speech impediment
Speaks like Sylvester
Speaks imperfectly
Is sibilantly challenged?
Imitates Daffy
Has speech difficulties
Has difficulty with sibilants
Does a Sylvester impression
Vocal imperfections
Talks like the cat Sylvester
Talks like Sylvester
Talks like Cindy Brady
Talks like a child
Suffers with sibilants
Stumbles on Sesame Street?
Struggles with sibilants
Speech oddities
Speech imperfections
Speaks like Daffy
Speaks childishly
Speaker's problems
Sounds worked on by speech therapists
Sounds like Sylvester
Some speech flaws
Says a myth that's amiss?
S and z problems
Problems for orators
Needs speech therapy
Is afflicted with sigmatism
Has trouble with esses
Has trouble saying "sassafras"
Has problems with sibilants
Has problems with s's
Has a speech impediment, say
Features of Castilian speech
Emulates Daffy Duck
Can't say "yes," in a way
Calls a spade a thpade