Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
"___ smile be your umbrella"
"I ___ Song Go . . . "
"___ smile be your . . . "
''___ smile be your umbrella''
'-- smile be your umbrella'
"_____ smile be..."
"___ thousand flowers bloom"
"___ Smile Be Your Umbrella . . . "
"___ Smile Be . . . "
Duke Ellington's "I ___ Song Go Out of My Heart"
"Why, then, __ soldier drink!": Iago
"So ___ smile be your . . . "
"I ___ Song Go Out of My Heart"
"... ___ beast be lord of beasts" ("Hamlet")
"--- smile be your..."
"--- smile be ..."
"___ woman in your life . . . !": Lerner
"___ thousand flowers bloom" (Mao)
"___ smile be your umbrella..."
"___ Smile Be Your . . . ," 1927 song
"___ smile be ..."
"___ Smile B . . . "
"___ joy keep you": Sandburg
"___ joy keep you" (start of a Sandburg poem)
"___ cry be heard from their houses": Jeremiah 18:22
"__ beast be lord of beasts . . .": "Hamlet"
'I -- Song Go Out of My Heart'
''I ___ Song Go Out of My Heart''
``I ___ Song Go Out. . .''