Suggest crossword puzzle
Possible Questions:
One-pointer in horseshoes
Score in horseshoes
Near ringer
More thin
Horseshoes score
Not quite a ringer
Near-perfect horseshoe pitch
More slender
Lower in fat
Less fatty
Less fat
Less chubby
Horseshoes shot
Good horseshoe toss
Certain horseshoes throw
Two-point throw in horseshoes
Term in horseshoes
Shoe that's thrown to make a point
Second-best quoits pitch
Score in quoits
Point in horseshoes
Point in horseshoe pitching
Point counter in horseshoes
One-point score, of a sort
One resting against a stake
Not so chubby
Not so blubbery
Like the person in a diet ad "after" picture
Less plump
Less bureaucratic
It's worth 1 point
It's not quite a ringer
Horseshoes toss
Horseshoes throw that's against the stake
Horseshoes term
Horseshoes scorer
Horseshoe pitch
Hobber, in the game of horseshoes
Hobber, in quoits
Hobber, in horseshoes
Good throw, in horseshoes
Good throw to the stake
Good throw in horseshoes
Certain horseshoe throw
Certain horseshoe pitch
Better trimmed
Almost perfect horseshoes throw
Almost perfect horseshoes pitch
Almost a ringer
A throw at horseshoes
"Almost" in horseshoes