Possible Questions:
- Bodybuilder's pride
- Workout target
- Back muscles, for short
- Back muscles, briefly
- Back muscles
- Map abbreviations
- Workout target, for short
- Rowing machine workout targets
- Pull-ups develop them
- Pull-down beneficiaries
- Old Baltic coins
- Lines on maps: Abbr.
- Coins of Riga
- Bodybuilders build them
- Weightlifters build them, for short
- They're below the rotator cuff
- They draw arms backwards and downwards
- Some muscles, informally
- Side muscles, for short
- Rowing machine workout targets, perhaps
- Rowing develops them
- Rowers' muscles, for short
- Rowers work them, briefly
- Rowers work them
- Pulldowns build them
- Pecs' companions
- Old coins of Riga
- Neighbors of delts
- Muscles worked by pull-ups, for short
- Muscles near delts
- Money once spent in Riga
- Map coordinates: Abbr.
- Items in capts.' logs
- Former monetary units of Riga
- Former coins in Riga
- Focus of some workouts
- Coins once spent in Riga
- Coins in Riga
- Chin-ups strengthen them
- Chin-ups and pull-ups develop them
- Chin-up targets, briefly
- Back muscles, to a personal trainer
- Back muscles, in short
- Back muscles, in gym lingo
- Arm movers, briefly