Possible Questions:
- "Really?"
- "What ___?"
- "Who ___?"
- "What ___ now?"
- "___ soup yet?"
- "___ me?"
- "What time ___?"
- "Lord, ___ I?": Matt. 26:22
- Start of a guess
- "Lord, ___ I?"
- Does the chasing in tag
- ". . . or __ just me?"
- "___ True What They Say . . . ?"
- Start of a ''Superman'' query
- Has the non-hiding role
- "You really think that's true?"
- "Who ___?" (Response to a knock)
- "What time __?"
- "That so?"
- "... or ___ just me?"
- "--- soup yet?"
- "___ that time already?"
- "___ something I said?"
- 'What -- now?'
- Whose Life ____ Anyway?
- “Who ___?”
- What-now filler
- What time ___?
- “What ___ now?”
- Start of a Superman query
- Start of a 20 Questions question
- Spin Doctors "What Time ___?"
- Part 1 of a wordplay-related quip
- Kenny Loggins "This ___"
- Guesser's preface
- Early '90s Michael Jackson single "Who ___"
- Doubter's question
- “But ___ art?”
- "Whose Line ___ Anyway?"
- "Whose Life ___ Anyway?" (1981 movie)
- "Who ___?" (knock response)
- "Where ___ now, the glory and the dream?": Wordsworth
- "Where ___ now, the glory . . . ?": Wordsworth
- "What time ___?
- "What --- now?"
- "What ___ this time?"
- "This ___" (Michael Jackson biopic)
- "This ___" (Michael Jackson album)
- "This ___" (1979 Loggins hit)
- "This ___!"
- "Surely you can't mean ...?"
- "Really, though?"
- "Oh, REALLY now?"
- "Oh it is, ___?"
- "Not from where __"
- "Lord, ___ I?: Matt. 26:22
- "Let me guess ..."
- "Hmm, let me guess ..."
- "From where ___..."
- "From where ___ ..."
- "But --- art?"
- "But ___ art?"
- "Are you sure?"
- "...or ___ me?"
- "--- any wonder ...?"
- "_____ any wonder?"
- "___ true?"
- "___ Really Me?": 1963 song
- "___ my turn?"
- "___ Love" (1986 hit)
- "___ just me, or..."
- "___ just me or...?"
- "___ just me or ...?"
- "___ just me ..."
- "___ any wonder?"
- "___ a star . . . ?"
- "___ a bird?"
- "__ just me, or ..."
- "__ any wonder?"
- 'Who --?'
- 'But -- art?'
- ''Where ___ written ...''
- ''What time __?''
- ''___ soup yet?''
- '-- true?'
- '-- bigger than a breadbox?'
- '-- an earthquake, or ...'