Possible Questions:
- "Got it"
- "Gotcha!"
- "Gotcha"
- Hepcat's "Got it"
- "Understood"
- "Word"
- Beatnik's "gotcha"
- Beatnik's "Got it"
- Beatnik's assent
- "Got it, man!"
- "Cool, man!"
- "Yeah, man!"
- "Gotcha, man"
- ''Understood,'' hippie-wise
- Beatnik's "Understood"
- "Got it, man"
- Hippie's "Got it!"
- Beatnik's "Understood!"
- "Understood," hippie-wise
- "Got it, dude"
- Hipster's "Understood!"
- Hipster's "Gotcha!"
- Hip hippie phrase
- Hepcat's phrase of understanding
- Beatnik's ''Got ya''
- "Gotcha," to a beatnik
- "Gotcha, dude!"
- "Got it, bro"
- '60s "Understood!"
- ''Got it'' on ''The Mod Squad''
- Hipster's line
- Hippie's affirmative reply
- Hippie's "Yeah, man!"
- Hippie's "Understood"
- Hippie's "Understood, man"
- Hippie's "Gotcha"
- Hippie's "Comprendo"
- Hippie's ''Got it''
- Hepcat's words of understanding
- Greenwich Village assent circa 1968
- Cool cat's "¡Comprendo!"
- Cat's "Gotcha"
- Bygone "Got it"
- Beatnik's expression of understanding
- Beatnik's "Gotcha!"
- Beatnik's ''Understood!''
- "Yeah, brah"
- "Yeah man, groovy"
- "Understood," to a hippie
- "Understood," hippie-style
- "Understood, man"
- "Understood, man!"
- "Understood, dude"
- "The meaning of your statement is clear," more hiply
- "That's cool, man"
- "That's cool, brah"
- "That's clear, man"
- "That's clear to me" in beat-speak
- "Perfectly clear, man!"
- "Loud and clear!"
- "Loud and clear, bro"
- "It's clear, bro"
- "Gotcha, man!"
- "Gotcha, daddy-o"
- "Gotcha, brah"
- "Got it," to Maynard G. Krebs
- "Got it, Daddy-o!"
- "Copacetic, man"
- "Cool, bro"
- 'Right, bro'
- 'Got it, bro'
- '60s "Gotcha"
- ''Understood!'', hippie-style
- ''__ Rock and Roll Music''