Possible Questions:
- Footnote abbr.
- Ditto
- Footnote word
- Part of i.e.
- The same
- Footnote notation
- "Ditto," in footnotes
- Same
- Bibliography notation
- The same: Lat.
- Same as before, in footnotes
- Bibliography word
- Word in a footnote
- The same, in footnotes
- The same, in a bibliography
- Footnote note
- The same, to Seneca
- Ditto, in academic journals
- As above, in footnotes
- The same (Lat.)
- Same, to Seneca
- The same as before, in footnotes
- Same: Lat.
- More of the same, in research papers
- Footnote term
- Alter ___ (second self)
- The same, in bibliographies
- Same as before
- The same as above
- Same, in footnotes
- Repeat reference
- Ditto, in footnotes
- Common footnote
- Bibliography entry
- Bibliographer's "same"
- As previously mentioned, in footnotes
- "The same as previously mentioned"
- The same, to Severus
- The same, to Caesar
- The same as before
- The same article or book
- Same, to Sulla
- Same, to Ovid
- Same, in marginal notes
- Same as previously mentioned
- Same as before: in footnotes
- Same as above
- Research paper word
- Relative of ditto
- Previous reference indicator
- Manuscript word
- Literary footnote
- Latin word in legal briefs
- Latin word in a quotation book
- Latin ditto
- Latin "ditto"
- It's the same to a Roman
- Footnoter's "same"
- Ditto: Lat.
- Ditto, to Cato
- As previously mentioned, in bibliographies
- As previously mentioned
- As above, in a footnote
- Alter ___ (exact duplicate)
- Alter ___ (another exactly the same)
- Abbr. seen in Bartlett's
- "The same as mentioned," in footnotes
- ''Same as above,'' in bibliographies