Possible Questions:
- Transcript fig.
- Univ. figure
- Transcript stat
- College student's stat.
- Coll. transcript stat
- Student's stat.
- Dean's List fig.
- College transcript no.
- Transcript stat.
- Honor roll stat
- Valedictorian's pride, for short
- Transcript no.
- RR employee
- Coll. transcript no.
- Coll. student's stat
- Campus fig.
- 3.0, e.g.
- Valedictorian's pride: Abbr.
- Student's concern, briefly
- Student transcript fig.
- Student stat
- Coll. transcript number
- Coll. student's concern
- 4.0, e.g.
- Univ. admission criterion
- The max is usually 4.0
- Student's avg.
- Student no.
- School fig.
- Salutatorian stat
- Pupil's stat.
- No. with a decimal
- No. on a transcript
- Mean at a univ.
- Magna cum laude determiner
- It usually runs between 2 and 4, briefly
- Fig. that rarely exceeds 4
- Dean's list stat
- Dean's list no.
- Dean's List meas.
- Coll. transcript figure
- Coll. entrance criterion
- 4.0 is a great one: abbr.
- 3.9, e.g.
- 3.75, e.g.
- 3.14 or 4.00
- VMI student stat
- Univ. transcript stat
- Univ. transcript number
- Univ. transcript no.
- Univ. student's stat.
- Univ. student's concern
- Univ. stat
- Univ. application datum
- Transcript request
- Transcript figures, for short
- Transcript figure, for short
- Transcript abbreviation
- Transcript abbr.
- The max is 4.0, traditionally
- The max is 4.0
- Student's fig.
- Student's concern: Abbr.
- Student's concern, for short
- Stat on a college transcript
- Stat looked at by recruiters
- Stat helped by classes like "Rocks for Jocks"
- Stat for students
- Senior's stat
- School figure, for short
- Scholastic measure: Abbr.
- Scholastic mean, briefly, hidden in this puzzle's seven longest answers
- Sch. figure
- Salutatorian's pride: Abbr.
- Report card stat
- R.R. employee
- Phi Beta Kappa concern, for short
- No. usually figured to two decimals
- No. usually between zero and four
- No. typically between 2.0 and 4.0
- No. on a college app
- No. of concern to a dean of admissions
- No. looked at by college recruiters
- No. between 0 and 4
- NCAA athlete's eligibility factor
- MIT student's stat.
- MIT student's stat
- Mine was 2.31 at UNH
- Mean to students (abbr.)
- Mean in high school: Abbr.?
- It's 4.0 for a straight-A student: Abbr.
- It usually runs between 2 and 4
- In academia a 4.00, e.g.
- Honor-roll stat.
- Honor student's boast, for short
- High-school stat.
- H.S. measure of success
- Grad's transcript abbreviation
- Grad-school application stat.
- Grad sch. application info
- Getting drunk every night will probably lower it: Abbr.
- Fig. on some applications
- Factor in some acad. probations
- Factor in a scholarship grant, maybe: Abbr.
- Dean's list factor: Abbr.
- Credit-weighted no.
- College transcript stat
- College transcript fig.
- College transcript abbr.
- College student's avg.
- College student stat.
- College stat
- College résumé fig.
- College app datum
- College admissions stat
- College admissions fig.
- College admission stat
- Collection of marks, for short?
- Coll.transcript no.
- Coll. transcript calculation
- Coll. student's rating
- Coll. statistic
- Coll. number
- Coll. admissions criterion
- Class-ranking stat
- Class rank fig.
- Class number?
- Class fig.
- Campus figure?: Abbr.
- Brown fig.
- An A will usually raise it: Abbr.
- An A student has a high one, for short
- An A often boosts it (abbr.)
- Admissions stat
- Admissions concern: Abbr.
- A student's pride: Abbr.
- A student's pride Abbr.:
- A student's pride
- A good one might get you accepted: Abbr.
- 4.0, maybe
- 4.0, for one: Abbr.
- 4.0 is a great one
- 4.0 is a good one
- 3.9, e.g.: Abbr.
- 3.9 is a good one
- 3.8 is a good one
- 3.75 e.g.
- 3.50, e.g.
- 3.5, e.g.: Abbr.
- 3.5, e.g., for a student
- 3.14, e.g.
- 3.14 or 4.0
- 3.0, e.g.: Abbr.
- 3.0 or 4.0
- 2.5, e.g.
- 2.34 or 3.95
- 1.0 is not a good one, in brief
- 1.0 is not a good one